“Love may be a hurtin’ thing, but not always in a bad way. Our protagonists love what they love, whether by shaping lives out of deaths, shredding barriers that separate them, or practicing to endure what the lover wants to give.”
Love Is a Hurtin’ Thing contents:
People Love What They Love, by Patricia Russo
Romance (poem), by Gale Acuff
Wrapped, by Caitlin Campbell
Inheritance (poem), by Dolorez Gomez
Waltzing the Tempest, by Jason S. Ridler
Forty-Fifth Birthday (poem), by Kent Kruse
Sefer Yetzirah (poem), by Sonya Taaffe
Art: John Stanton
Love Is a Hurtin’ Thing is available from
The Genre Mall. (Scroll down to the section about Not One of Us special collections.)