It’s autumn and change is in the air. We have selkies and software bugs, dancing feathers and philosopher’s stones, and a mother made of dough. Our poets bring us blind eyes and laser lights, floods and fingers, dementia, dimensions, and destinations unknown.
The Seal Wife, by Jeannelle Ferreira
In the Earth in Those Days (poem), by Sonya Taaffe
Catalyst, by Loren Rhoads
With the Blue Heart People, by Patricia Russo
Turning a Blind Eye (poem), by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Last, by Jamie Mason
Lost in the City of New Orleans (poem), by Kent Kruse
Myrna: San Diego #9 (poem), by John Berbrich
Fortune Cookie Mother, by Phoebe Nir
The Dementia Dimension (poem), by K.S. Hardy
Angles, by Blaise Marchesani
Traveling (poem), by M.C. Wyatt
Art: John Stanton
Not One of Us #44 is available from
The Genre Mall.
We’ll be mailing the contributors’ and subscribers’ copies later this week.