1. We darn near drowned in the frog-strangling rain, but
sovay and I were finally able to spend a few hours together last Monday, this after several missed opportunities earlier in the winter.
2. The Not One of Us website and email were down for a few days, March 9-14. If you happened to send a submission during that time and the message got bounced, please feel free to re-submit, now that everything is up and working again.
3. I have been published in Catalan for the first time:
Robert J. Blendon, John M. Benson, Channtal Fleischfresser, Kathleen Weldon, Albert J. Jovell, Maria Dolors Navarro, Joana Gabriele, and Laura Fernández, El Capital Social y la Inmigración en Cataluña (Barcelona: Obra Social de Caixa Catalunya, 2009).
4. My job titles are admittedly confusing. To the outside world, I am Managing Director of the Harvard Opinion Research Program (HORP) at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). But as far as HSPH as a whole is concerned, my official job title for the purposes of pay, perqs, and bureaucracy has evolved over the years. I was recently promoted to Research Scientist, an academic title rarely granted at Harvard to people who don’t have doctoral degrees. I had to prove I was worthy by presenting evidence of my 83 publications in peer-reviewed health- and domestic-policy, medical, and public opinion journals and my work as a public opinion journal and book editor. I also needed letters of recommendation from two internal and two external sources.
So now I am not only Managing Director of HORP, but also a Research Scientist at HSPH. Do I get my white lab coat now?