Jul 26, 2009 22:02

AT&T blocks
TechCrunch article
Encyclopedia Dramatica article. "This time the internet IS serious business.
Wow. I am honestly speechless over this one. I don't think you need to be a /b/tard to find this at least a bit frightening. What do you say about a major service provider blocking a website, effectively censoring the internet that reaches their customers?
In a more populated market, this would not even be a problem, as a person would be able to switch service providers if they didn't like being censored. Unfortunately for some people that live in rural areas, there is often only one service provider to choose from; their choice would be no internet or censored internet.
I'm really hoping this isn't the start of a huge trend on internet censorship.

The battle for net neutrality may be about to kick into high gear, folks. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Apparently, according to both AT&T as well as m00t, the reason for the blocking was not censorship, but rather the result of some "errant traffic" that was causing some AT&T switchers some problems. The block was apparently lifted last night.
AT&T's press release
In m00t's own words
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