Dec 27, 2007 01:37
In true (for me) tradition I caught a cold on Christmas Eve, and although it did have the decency to hold off until AFTER we'd come back from Midnight Mass it did strike me with a vengance come Christmas morning, I woke up with a hangover like headache and I can assure you (with the full knowledge that God's wrath is quite likely to strike me down should I lie) that I had nothing to drink Christmas Eve.
The prospect of drinking before going to Church fills me with a kind of old fashioned I've-forgotten-to-turn-the-gas-off dread, although J (who's Father was a preacher by the way) has no such compunction and so quite happily had half a bottle of wine with our meal and giggled throughout the sermon!
In other news, the housework is STILL not finished, I think I'm just going to get a new house and start from skratch, if I was a millionaire, that's what I'd do...I'm so lazy.
Lessal x