My friend
sappylittleme, just Posted the following in her LJ after seeing the Foo Fighters in Concert. Now before I start in on what could be a sizeable rant, I feel it important to state the following:- I love
sappylittleme, I also love the Foo Fighters and I have nothing against famous people in general or smokers. ;-)
"Dave Grohl lit up a cigarette during the gig, he didn't mention the smoking ban, but he was smoking it in a manner as if to say "Yeah, you try and stop me from smoking!".
Now I don't smoke, I'm not a bitch about it; I don't preach to my friends that smoking kills or that it's disgusting and smelly and gross, *shakes self* honestly I don't! However, the fact that some guy thinks that it is completely fine to break the law in front of thousands which probably include impressionable young people who will likely come away with the impression that it's cool to a) smoke and b) ignore the rules does piss me off.
The Law (whatever people think about it) has been passed, it is fact, it is now ILLEGAL to smoke in any public place, it is also illegal to steal, kill or set fire to things, I only list these things because clearly some people need reminding of what illegal actually means...and the thing that pisses me off most? I'd bet money that Dave Grohl won't see a single consequence, because he's in a band and famous.
*deep breath* Ok, I'm done, it just really bugged me, I'm in a bugable place right now and this just happened to be my undoing. Apologies if you smoke in front of thousands or flout the law in some other way and find this rant wearisome.
Lessal x