Ok, so I'm still here...I guess

Oct 12, 2007 11:20

Obviously my bounce and zest for life are both somewhat...not at the moment but I'm still here and I'm told in semi-condescending tones that, that counts for something.

So, I'm still here and I'm working on this selective-amnesia thing I've read about; seriously I am a hearty advocate of denial, I think it's a healthy, convenient way to not deal with your issues, I also believe that sometimes not dealing with your issues is fine. I'm only half joking here, I really do believe that sometimes burying your head in the sand is a perfectly viable coping mechanism.

Denial is the coping mechanism I am selecting for this particular trauma, I'd let you know how it worked out, but the whole premise of denial is that I never mention this again...so really giving you updates would mean I essentially fail at the denial part.

I fully intend to completely ignore that part of my life, forever, I will not be 'sharing my feelings' I will not be writing about it in a diary and I WILL NOT be doing anymore of the crying, the extent of which I believe I covered in my last Post.

Lessal x

bad things, argh, friends

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