May 18, 2008 00:06
I'm a littlebit shocked how some people wrote about the first concert yesterday! I would kill to go to an Arashi Concert! *not really but I feel like killing someone right now* Arg! Some of the comments are really unfair!
Hey, give them your love and be thankful that you got the change to see them! I just found out that I won't be able to go to Japan next year for the 10th Anniversary from Arashi! Oh, why am I a student with nooo money and time!!! *cries* I hoped sooo much! If there won't be a miracle theres no way for me! >.< *cry*
*sighs* I so want to see a Fancam from yesterday! Nino naughty??? XDD And Jun barechested XDDDD *faints* One of my highlights on every con! XD
I hope there will be a DVD from the Concert!
Ganbatte, Arashi!!! You are the best!!!