(no subject)

Sep 08, 2003 23:48

Tomorrow is Chung-Jang Jie (Chinese Elder Day) a day in which one honours the spirit of one's ancestors. This holiday fits well with native traditions and has become one of my favorite holidays. Although there are some rather extensive ceremonies required to celebrate this day properly --originally a live animal was sacrificed-- but do to certain geographical and legal concerns, a cooked meal is now the commonly accepted offering. This is a busy and intense month for me in terms of spirituality. The Blood rites of the BTS begin now and carry on into January, as well as certain other traditions that I've adopted along the way. This entire month will be spent reading and meditating at every free moment. And in accordance with the teachings of Lao Tzu (author of the Tao Te Ching) as brought down by Deng Ming-Dao, this month will be one of physical as well as mental purification.

I leave you with this Quote from the Shih Ching (the Odes):

A blemish on white jade
can still be polished away;
A blemish on these words
cannot be removed at all.
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