Feb 01, 2005 20:00
so i go to the field where i can chill, and in this bush i find a bottle, and in this bottle, i find a huge thing of like alcohol and this bottle has vodka but its really cheap and I dont know what to do weather to drink the shit or to toss it cause the stuff is just sitting in the sun for like 10000000033292 years. and then i am with this person and we had the fun and i take the bottle home and i drink some of it and it makes me stomach hurt so much but then just after a few smokes the fun kicks in and I find myself walking down the street into this guys yard with a tire swing. coyotes come to watch my fun in the swing and the enviuous people start to talk. i get back to the house and its all over, my OJ and vodka has been taken by the madman of living with me. my bed was stolen by my step sister so I sleep in a hammock, which makes the back hurt a lot. I stop the drinking in fear i wont be ablee to be at school tomarrow and do my work. so i switch to the pot but the shit wont kick in and i stop fearing to run out of the stuff sooner or later. while sitting there in a daze of drunkenness, i see the epitome of my dream on the TV screen, Chubs of life has come to strike down on me for life sins of love. none other do i stop this but i slam my fist on the TV screen and take down the gun and blow the shit to hell. after many hours of walking from my room to the bathroom, I find a etch a sketch, I draw thee name of the person i love then shake it all the hell and stop the shit before i think about people. I think about surfing tomarrow but my wetsuit has hole in the crotch, no good unless I plan on teabagging the dolphins. I watch goonies until I cant stand the music anymore and then I switch to some hardcore reality shows which make me so sick that I turn the TV off all together and sit in the DARK with no lights to see if I can vanquish the high. doesnt work so I wander into the guest room to look for some new pillows to sleep on, score.... 6 pillows to take and make a awesome fort, but then the idea of motocycles comes into mind and I take my keys to the backyeard, where the motorcycle sleeps, I think about riding to a friends house and getting even more fucked up there but I take it as a sign that I am not able to put the key into the hole, so i go back into the house, take a shot and think about all the bugs in the world. Buffalo 66 comes in, and instead of watching it the usual way I repeat every line in the movie from start to finish until my voice hurts. after that i think about pita bread but the thought of putting more stuff into my stomach makes me feel evern more sick, i stop the clock and take a break........................................................................................................................................................... feeling better I think of how to get my next high, whip creme cans? pot? more vodka? no... this shall be the natural high that ends the night in a huge huge fiesta..... the guitar. I cant find my guitar so i used a broom stick to jam into the early hours of the morning... blue pants and white t shirts make me weary of this night so I burn my dickies in a bon fire in the back yard. I think about watching gillians island until i realize i am the skipper and life is over. i stop to think about life as skipper and decide to not worry and fuck it all, gillian loves care free with the loves of cocunuts. I decide to get some fresh air only to be pelted with rain drops and mosquitos. my step sister wakes up and sees me walking around naked in the house and decides to stop my fun by throwing shampoo on my ass. this tells me to straighten up and put on some pants, but the feeling of wind against a penis keeps me free in the night air and I take a small walk to the park until I see a creeker eyeing my goods. this prompts me to stop walking and go home yet i trust he is not homosexual and does not crave the penis, taking a chance i run into the road with confindence and noth9ing happenes. dispointed with no fun i walk home back up the street shivering. i come home and put on a tall hat and green pants, stopping only to toast some bread to donate the the gods of topanga. this makes me think of houw much i owe to topanga so i light up a little bit only to smell the smell of burning hair, haircuts naturally occurs anyways. I think of my girl and how much fun i always have but the thought of her only makes me miss her presence and I want to have more sex. life goes on without love but i think I will take it with it and not pass it by without knowing. I sit down on on my chair only to fall off it while laughing for about the next 10 mins... i talk to myself about house much i hate flava flave and then i talk to my dog about how she needs to poop away from the house and in the horse coral. i watch some TV only to discover that the word Fone is spelled with a "PH" this brings education to my mind and i think about leaving RA to geta real education, then i think about how much i have jut written and i smack myself for getting drunk and high on a school night