(no subject)

Apr 28, 2005 22:22

Hey everybody, I have a huge favor to ask of you.

My brother was talking on the phone to his girlfriend Megan (while she was driving home) when all of a sudden he heard her scream and the phone cut out. He tried calling back and after a few times somebody picked up, but it was some woman, and Megan was hysterical. Apparently there's been some sort of an accident. Peter hasn't been able to talk to Megan yet but he's waiting anxiously for her call, as are the rest of us.

Please, PLEASE take a few moments, stop whatever you're doing if you don't mind, and please say a prayer that she is okay, pray that God would send her strength, healing, and peace.

I am really freaked out right now, I'm really worried about the situation. My mom thinks that somebody walked out in front of her while she was driving. My heart is beating like crazy and I'm shaking. Please pray that she is okay!!

  • 10:44 pm - So far we've learned that Megan was driving on Rt. 1 past a McDonald's in Milford when she hit a person on a bike. What happened was [*edit*] the bike lane was removed from the road, a fact which few people know, including that biker. In any case, from what we've heard, the biker probably isn't going to make it. What the HELL a biker was doing riding down a freaking highway at 10pm is beyond me. In any case... if this person dies.. or even if he/she is badly injured, its gonna kill Megan. Can you imagine living your life knowing you [accidentally] killed somebody? Please keep praying. I feel sick to my stomach.
  • 11:16 pm - Noah and I might be going with Peter down to my grandparent's house tomorrow (Megan lives very close to them) for whatever reason. Making sure she's okay, doing anything we need to do to help out with whoever. I'm feeling a little less worried (thank you God for sending me peace) especially knowing that Megan is physically okay, as well as resting in the assurance that God is in control of the situation.
  • 11:26 pm - Delaware Bike Laws : scroll down to the bottom and check out rules 19-22. My guess is that a person following these rules would be much more visible than it seems this unfortunate biker was. A not so hopeful article here.
  • 12:04 pm - Biker didn't make it. We're leaving for Milford now. Thank you so much for your prayers, and please continue to lift up every one involved, please ask that God would send comfort to the biker's family.
  • 8:57 pm 4/29/05 - The accident as told to me by Megan herself: She was driving down Rt. 1 about to make a right hand turn onto another road when all of a sudden something slams into her windshield, cracking it, and falls to the ground. Megan gets out of her car and sees the body of a girl (age unknown but I'm guessing early twenties), convulsing, blood everywhere. A car is approaching, and the girls body is in its path, so Megan gets in front of it and tries to wave down the car to get it to stop so it wouldn't run over the body. The car does not stop, and Megan jumps out of the way. She remembers the car running over the body, though the people who examined her body say there was only one collision, which was when Megan's car hit the girl on the bike. Megan goes hysterical, screaming for help, and a random woman comes and grabs her from behind and pulls her to the sidewalk. Peter had been trying to call her back on her cell phone after hearing her scream and the phone cutting out, and finally the woman answers the phone and Peter is saying, "Is Megan okay?" and the woman said, "Who is Megan? Oh God, there's a lot of blood, I don't think she's going to make it." Meanwhile, Peter is in a PANIC because he doesn't know WHO the woman is talking about. So I guess the woman called 911, cops and ambulance come, the girl dies, Megan and her grandparents (who she lives with) were at the police station till 2am.

    She feels absolutely terrible. I can't even imagine, nor do I want to, what is going through her head. When we saw her last nite her eyes were really puffy from crying. Guys, Megan has been through so much in her life, has fought so hard to be strong. As Peter said, she is a soldier. She lives with her grandparents because her parents did some very horrible things to her. She's worked so hard her whole life, and at school. She won a Horatio Algers scholarship for $10,000, plus a full ride to U of D. She was still recovering from her last accident (a woman ran a red light and slammed right into Megan, and since Megan's airbag didn't activate she still has a lot of back and neck problems), and now this happens. Her life has been such a struggle. And I don't mean to say that the rest of us don't have our own struggles. Certainly none of our struggles can be compared to each others since they are all so different and require different things from each of us. I really admire Megan, though. She is so... brave. But she blames herself for the girl's death. She still feels like there was something she could have done to save her. But this is about God's will, God's plan. God may not have caused this particular suffering, but He allowed it, and for a good reason. He spared her life because He has something planned for her still. Her trials aren't faced for nothing, and certainly not alone. Please keep her in your prayers, she's having such a hard time getting the image of the girl out of her mind and struggles with the thought that she's killed somebody.

    And I want to thank you for your prayers, because they have helped so much. Megan is physically okay and that alone is a blessing. So thank you sooo much, I can't tell you how appreciative I am at how responsive you were to praying for the situation. Thank you.
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