Title: The Fates
tjwritterRating: PG-13
Words: ~4,000
Warnings: none
Summary: Severus had hope once, and what life did not take away from him, he gave away bit by bit in a fruitless search for something better than this.
Author's Notes: Written for
The Fates )
Comments 21
Even if I had been more specific with my request--this is EXACTLY the request I would have made!
Thank you so much mystery author!!
I'm just sorry that your story came at the end where it seems people are lily/snaped out!! I will be directing anyone I can though to read this mastered piece of art!
I've often thought about different scenarios for Snape/Lily to end up happily in my head but of course they were all rather futile attempts. Seeing Snape basically torture himself with this same occupation seems just like something he would do. *sigh* So sad.
I feel almost guilty at making it so despairing but wanted it to slot into canon believably. I'm glad to hear it was a moving story. :)
As for tying into canon; it took me a great deal of thinking over the AU aspects before I realised the sense of not having a happy ending, of making these a stopgap, something he could never go through with, more about the journey than the destination, that would of course be as we already know it to be.
Thanks so much for following the rec, reading and giving feedback. I was getting a tad disheartened at the lack at first, with it being near the end of the month of fic/art. :)
I think my favorite part, as far as the writing of the story, is this bit of description: Finally she comes to a stop again, faces him over her shoulder with eyes that look inflamed, the skin around them red and a passion in them that suddenly makes him blanche. Fantastic, fantastic imagery.
I have a tendancy to veer towards more poetic sometimes and I never know if it's a good or a bad thing lol.
He'd often wondered what was the worst choice he'd made -- calling her a Mudblood, sticking by his Slytherin "friends", or reporting the prophecy overheard. Here he's made far worse. The darkest vengeful desire of his is fulfilled and he sees it, feels it, near as lives it and is ashamed to not feel as horrified as he would think.
That's chilling.
"But he doesn't know who you are. You know how it is with this torture, you've seen plenty of victims. He won't remember you visited!"
"I will."
Ooohhh... a little light for him at least.
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