cheese and crackers

Mar 19, 2010 13:00

i haven't been on this website in a long, long time.

what am i even supposed to write about? idanno.
i was looking at all my old entries and it made me laugh a lot.
my life used to be so consumed in one person. it's frickinridiculous.
i am so glad that i'm out of that deathtrap of a relationship.
i missed out on so much life. things are good now though.
i am moving out soon. and pretty weather is nearly upon us.
i needneedneed to get healthy. lose some lbs.

i love my brother and the outdoors and my dog and friends and my mother and
drinking water and raisin toast and peeing outside and beer and
chuddles and moccasins and lifeingeneral.

court soon. can't wait for my sentence!

psps. i removed a lot of entries. incaseyouwerewondering.
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