Also, Katherine spilled water all over my futon. That whore.
Also also, I'm working on a graph to illustrate my thoughts on the LM fandom.
Lastly, I have to write a paper and I don't seem to be doing it. Maybe I'll at least go to class tomorrow.
Ooh, and I got Pets on the Sims! Richmond and Julian are raising Petit Julien, the greyhound who is actually a girl but Julian insisted they name it for him before they knew this (that happened in my canon, not in, like, the game...) and Tara and I made
cupcake dog. I can't seem to figure out where the screencaps are being saved anymore, though... because I really need to post pictures of my Amis, the Patron-Minette, Valjean and the gang, and... like... everyone else. Oh! And though the best cheat ever, the Tombstone of Life and Death, I made the Doctor give birth to my child. Yes, like that. His name is Papageno Zydrate.
this. Oh my good Lord.
My Pavi mask!