Well, so far I've only written about a thousand words today (NaNo recommends 1667 per day, though I did, happily, exceed that yesterday) but I'm still kinda working on it. I just thought I'd go ahead and post while I was procrastinating. It's about time to introduce the boys, so I'm almost nervous.
Look I have a new default icon! I love that dress. Staring at the poster for The Duchess (which I never saw and don't really mind) over at the cinema was, I'm pretty sure, where Sophie was born. I. LOVE. THAT. DRESS. I don't care about Keira Knightley or the movie, but that dress... I fangirl it. Lookit those panniers!
So, creative writing. I think my big giant end-of-the-class project is due, like, Tuesday, and I got nothin. I don't really want to write about Sophie and the boys because I'm NaNo-ing with them and writing a short story with them would confuse me. Unless I recycled that boys' first kiss story I wrote for my own evil purposes, but it's not about Sophie AT ALL. And I think the short story is supposed to be about Sophie. Screw it. My other thought is recycling a fanfic. How crap is it that I put so much work into the little assignments, but when it comes to the grand finale I'm so tied up in NaNo that I start considering recycling a fanfic? Just, you know, changing the names of the characters... If I did that it'd be a toss-up between
the Cosette/Monty rapey one and
the Fantine one. I dunno. All that matters about the short story is that the protagonist change somehow. I actually kinda like the idea of using the kissy one, but I'm kinda ashamed of the actual kissing. I can write whatever I jolly well please on the internetz because I'm kinda anonymous, but then in class I get more concerned about it. Which is weirdly hilarious because you internet folk know me a billion times better than any of my classmates. Weird.
I can't stop staring at this icon. If I were to ever become a massive gayist it'd be for a dress like that. PANNIERS.
Oh! I was already thinking about next Halloween. It's fun to be something people recognise, but I kinda wanna be Chantho. I was watching Utopia today. I've never seen anyone do a Chantho costume, and if I could pull it off it'd be epic. I ADORE Chantho for some reason. I don't know how I could get those face feeler-y things to move, though.
And, finally, rl.
I'm back home for the day because my mom wanted my help putting together a picture slideshow thing for Granny's funeral. She's still alive, but they've moved her to a hospice home. You know that scene in The Mighty Boosh Live where Naboo is on the table, dying, and Bollo keeps thinking he's dead and covering his face and then Naboo's like "What're you doin?" and Bollo uncovers his face? And it's like "Ya... no. Yeah! No. Yeah. No." forEVER? And finally Bollo gets tired of it and just finishes it off himself? Yeah, I'm considering watching Peep Show tonight. For my family's sake.
OH! But I want to tell you. My dad said the greatest thing. I kinda said earlier that she was my favourite and I was pretty sure I was her favourite, but I didn't *really* know if that was true. Well, my dad says in her wallet there were two pictures: one of her with all of her sisters, and one of me. She has four other grandchildren, but I was right! I'm the favourite. Yay. It's mutual, though, I adore my Granny.
In putting together the slideshow there were some cute pictures I wanted to post. One has a puppy.
There's Granny last Christmas with an Andy Griffith calendar. That woman loves Andy Griffith. And she instilled it in her boys.
This was a few years ago. I'm the one with the crazy-long hair there, and Granny's the cute little old one in white. Next to her is my mom's mom and my dad. My mom's the one in the sweatervest and my brother's the one in yellow that you kinda want to punch in the face.
When I saw this earlier today it made me cry. Even though my face and neck look weird in the picture.
Here's Granny killing a puppy! No, just kidding. That's our stupid Cocker Spaniel, Flossie. This picture makes me laugh because it's so obvious that the dog wouldn't hold still and the picture was taken at a really awkward moment. Still... lol.
Yay that's my Granny. She's seriously the most amazing woman. She raised four boys on her own after her husband died. She was also seen doing line dances as recently as two weeks ago. She worked at the hosiery mill and then she worked at Belk's (or was it Penny's? She'd kill me for forgetting!) for aaaages. She loves cooking and she keeps outliving the doctors' predictions. Also, she makes the most delicious chocolate oatmeal cookies ever. So delicious I think I randomly mentioned them in the Kidsafe Adventures of Fredric Valmarch...
Okay, enough of that. This post is too long and I've flooded your flist. Back to my NaNo!
ETA: Well, that's that. She went on without the help of Peep Show. I might cry some more.