So I decided to recount some of my Troupe stalking stories that have happened so far in 2012!
At the premier of Adam et Eve I saw, to my delight, Mikelangelo Loconte! We didn't get a picture because he was acting all tired, but when he saw me he did that "AH! Ciao!! Ça va?!?" and gave me a theatrically noisy bisou.
Then I saw Yamin who STARTED SINGING VERT just as the picture was being taken, resulting in my forced-ass smile.
I saw Merwan too, but nothing interesting happened there.
On Valentine's Day I went to see Adam et Eve for the third time, only because I had been Saturday with my German Lara and another fan had tipped me off that the next Tuesday was a press night and it was pretty certain that some other beautiflo famous faces would be there.
The fan was right!
German Lara and I were delighted to spot Flo and his new haircut (and everyone's favorite beard... Tamara) approaching the PDS. There was a rather small crowd of fans who spotted him the same time we did, so I did my usual routine of waiting my turn. When Flo spotted me he did the eyebrow waggle that he so often does at the sight of me and finished up another picture before approaching us and going "Hi there!"
I said "Hi!", he said "How are you?" and I told him that I had found work as an au pair. Since he seemed confused by my presence in his country. Remember, he hadn't seen me since the reunion concert. "Oh," Florent Mothe said to me, "so you like France?" to which I replied "Yeah... I like France, but not being an au pair." Flo repeated "Not being an au pair. Alright." and kind of chuckled to himself. I got a picture and took one with him and German Lara.
Since Tamara was graciously hovering nearby while her boyfriend got mobbed by women, Flo took a step to join her but stopped and kind of murmured out a little "Bon spectacle!" before he left, to which I cheerfully said "You tooooo!" and he smiled as he walked away.
Of course, this inspired Lara to be like OMG WHAT HOW COME HE ACTS LIKE HE'S IN LOVE WITH YOU and I was like BECAUSE HE IS DUH
But don't worry Tamara, I know better than to try to get involved in my idols' personal lives. I don't want to hang out with Flo or get his number or go grab a coffee or anything with him because that would be breaking the fan rules, and once you break the fans rules things turn to shit. I know this because of reasons. Me and Flo are perfect juuuust like this.
As we were heading inside the PDS, German Lara grabbed my arm and was like LOOK! and guess who we saw? Only the man who OWNS MY SOUL.
It was Dove Attia.
He was hanging out near a little snack stand, and I kind of tiptoed over to him and waited till he looked at me before I awkwardly asked if we could take a picture. Laughing broadly and jollily, Dove proclaimed, "They're the stars tonight, not us!" gesturing in the general direction of the stage, referring to the Adam et Eve troupe. "Not to me!" I replied quickly, which made Dove laugh again. "Where are you from," he asked me, "with that lovely accent?" I replied La Caroline du Nord and then informed him that Lara is German.
Our picture was taken... by Vincent Baguin, who I didn't recognize until after Dove had bid us goodbye and he and VB had gone off to find their seats. Vincent Baguin was one of the writers of MOR.
During intermission Lara and I planted ourselves near the exit, so as Flo was passing he was forced to see our faces again. He and I were smiling hugely at each other as he was passing but he didn't seem to be saying anything, so I blurted "DO YOU LIKE IT?" to which Flo kind of squeaked out "Yyyeahhhhhh...?" and then "Do you like it?" "Yes!" I chirped, quickly adding, "It's better than Dracula." "Better than Dracula!" chuckled Flo. "Okay." And with that he left.
I took a moment to nab a picture with JP Asian, my hero and possessor of the greatest job in the world:
And then I spotted Vincent Baguin's shiny head again and I was like convincing Lara that he was one of the MOR writers and dragging her down to him and we debated but finally I got up the courage to ask him if he was one of the writers of MOR. He confirmed it, and I said "And... which one were you?" to which he replied with his name. I squeaked "TOLD YOU!" into German Lara's face and then asked him for a picture. He obliged.
Then I randomly started telling him how perfect MOR is and ended with excitedly informing him that I have vivre à en crever tattooed on my foot, to which the poor man awkwardly asked if that hurt. I said YES BUT IT WAS WORTH IT. Then we decided to leave him alone.
We were waiting for Flo to return but... HE NEVER DID. HE LEFT DURING INTERMISSION.
Then during the finale when Lara and I were living it up at the foot of the stage, we turned around and noticed that we had been joined by a familiar face.
HAHA I MOSHED WITH MERWAN kind of not really.
Anyway, then I had an eventful few days last weekend.
Friday night I went to La Cigale where some dude named Ycare (French people say "ee-car". I prefer "Why care?") had a concert and had invited Floflo. La Cigale is near Pigalle, AKA Paris's MOST HORRIBLE SKETCHY-ASS NEIGHBORHOOD OF DOOM EVER. And I went there at night. Alone. In a short dress. And full stagedoor makeup. Within two minutes of leaving the métro station I had had about a million catcalls and seen a fight break out between four full-grown men. In the middle of the street. Pigalle is awesome.
I was extremely nervous by the time I reached La Cigale, but happily I saw a bunch of stagedoor buddies from last year and we all started gossiping. Of course, then the concert let out and the sidewalk was crowded with SO MANY PEOPLE OMJESUS. I met some girls I only knew through the internet, who turned out to be awesome, and we waited nervously.
Finally Flo and Whycare? came out together, which resulted in my soul going AHHHHHHHHHH YAYYYYYYYYY because it has been over a month since I've seen his FACE. Me and my gals waited in the horrifying crowd until, after about half an hour, Flo noticed me and winked. Of course, it took another fifteen minutes or so for him to be able to say something to me, and what he ended up saying was "How are you? How do you like being an au pair?"
I'm not going to pretend I wasn't OMG SO DELIGHTED that our Sweet French Jesus remembered what my day job is after a month. I answered "Ehhh," then took a picture with him and one of my gals. I asked for one for myself too, and he said "Of course" but then the crowd took him away from me again. After another half hour or so he saw me again and said, "We still have not done a photo?" to which I believe I replied "NO." He seemed ready to come over to me, but somehow it still took another fifteen minutes or so until I caught his eye again. This time I made what I believe could be called a bitchface--I know it involved me raising my eyebrows at him and pursing my lips--and he was like "Okay! Right." and he came over for our photo but... he looked into the wrong camera.
I realized his mistake and said "NO, *THAT'S* my camera!" as he was pulling away, so Flo went "OH!" and leapt back into frame just as the flash went off.
I thanked him and scampered away.
The next day I went to stagedoor at Adam et Eve again, mostly because I had a gift from German Lara for Nuno, but while I was waiting I saw Solal come out and start playing J'accuse mon père on a fan's guitar, resulting in a tiny sing-a-long. Then Yamin showed up and I went to get a floto for a friend. As we were waiting, I laughed nervously about something he said so Yamin turned and stared at me and said "Why are you laughing?" which made me totally blank out and go "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know...?" Then as I was taking the picture for the other girl Yamin was staring at me and he went, "Are you the one who made the--?" at which point another fan interrupted and said "YES SHE'S THE ONE WHO MADE THE DOLLS." He said "What's your name?" and someone else answered "Ehreen."
Then Yamin started telling me a story about how he keeps his doll on the bar near his front door, so when anyone comes over it's the first thing they see and they always compliment it and he always tells them "It's from this great chick who made them for the whole Troupe--well, almost the whole Troupe! She did great work!" and at this point I was just turning into a blushing machine because YAMIN HAS NEVER IN HIS LIFE RECOGNIZED ME.
Then a short time later I was informed by a fan that Merwan's new album features a picture of my doll in the little booklet.
Then Sunday I found out that the translation work I've been helping a facebook friend with... is actually translation on a set of placeholder "yoghurt" lyrics... FOR FLO'S UPCOMING ALBUM. I have been helping with Flo's album.
So. Excuse me while I lie down on the floor and die.
I love this country.