Okay so this is how I feel.

Dec 23, 2009 05:05

It is nearly 5 in the morning and I've been finishing my dang afghan.  Yes that's right, I just finished my dang afghan and stashed it under the bed.  The thing is huge!  Like, I think it might could cover a single bed comfortably.  I put tassels on it just for the lulz and they're all right.

Anyway, to keep my face entertained while my fingers were a-knitting I found myself utterly compelled to watch some Doctor Who.  Because I saw all of series two again with Tara (love my series two) so I figured I'd look back at the high points of series three... not including Blink, because duh Blink is a high point of series three.  We've all seen Blink a million times.  And anyways, I'm here for Ten, whose days are numbered, poor little guy.

So I watched Gridlock (I love Brannigan a lot), Human Nature, and The Family of Blood.  If it wasn't 5am I'd probably watch Utopia and the two Master episodes.  And the whole time I did some thinking.

I'm very emotional about this upcoming regeneration, as you've probably noticed.  I wept all the way through the church service... the littlest things set me off.  Yes, I know I'm talking about a television show, but such is my life.  I've cried more over Doctor Who than anything short of the death of my Granny and that's just a fact of the way my weird little brain works.  It's only Doctor Who that gets me like this, too.  I don't give a crap when stuff goes down on Heroes or Lost or... I don't know... whatever else I watch.  But as soon as the tenth Doctor gets that wibbly lip and those big round sad eyes I find myself whimpering along with him.  And the end of Waters of Mars disturbs the bajeesus out of me.  I am SO invested in this character, and that's all thanks to RTD, the scoundrel.  I'm worried, as I previously mentioned, that the Moff won't keep me as absolutely engaged, but we shall see.

So I've worked out my feelings!

How I feel about Ten:
For the past year or so, Ten gets all angsty at the end of every episode and starts going,  "Oh, gahhh, my companions all leeeeavve me" and then I roll my eyes and shake my head.  Or then there's all this "Ooh, I would NEVER EVER carry a gun and DAVROS I WILL SAVE YOU!" at which point I roll my eyes and wonder whatever happened to "No second chances.  I'm that sort of a man."  And those two teensy little messages about Christmas from the BBC really irritated me, because you can literally see the point at the beginning of one where Tennant just turns on his Doctor Voice, phones in the lines, and then zonks right back out of it.  The reason I declared my love for the tenth Doctor was his absolute unpredictability.  He always had me gaping and giggling.  But then he just got so preachy I kind of wanted to punch him.  And then cuddle him till he felt better, obviously.  But even at the beginning of Waters of Mars where he says "The Doctor.  Doctor.  Fun."  I wasn't all that impressed as that's just... Ten-ish.  It's cute, yeah, but it's not a surprise.  So yes, David Tennant chose the right time to leave us.
By the way, I bloody adore Ten.  Nine is officially My Doctor, but Ten is the fangirl love of my internet life.  Well, to be fair, I sometimes blur the line between Ten and Tennant, but let it be known that I have written the above paragraph with a heart full of love, as it were.

How I feel about Eleven:
So excited to see someone else in the TARDIS!  I can't wait to see how Matt Smith plays the role, and I do so hope that he becomes madly famous and is one of the most successful Doctors of all time.  I hope I adore him and make dozens of icons about him and feel inspired to change my desktop wallpaper to all sorts of pictures of him.  (Until tonight my background was the cast of Mozart l'Opéra Rock, but now I've gone back to my favourite old Doctor Who wallpaper, which is a gorgeous image of the Doctor and Rose on New Earth with the caption "The Doctor.  In the TARDIS.  With Rose Tyler.  As it should be." Shut up, I'm a hopeless shipper.)

So why am I so upset?
I finally worked this one out today.  I am upset because I don't want Ten to die.  For his sake!  Not for my sake.  I just know with RTD's delightful (and sometimes outlandish) predilection for bombast that our Ten, whom he loves as much as I do (probably more, let's be fair), will go out in a traumatising, beautiful, horrible way.  And it's going to break my heart.  Not because there won't be more episodes with Tennant--trust me, I'll be following Tennant's career with stalkerish enthusiasm--but because Ten is going to die.  When Rose went to Pete's world, I didn't weep for days because I wouldn't see Billie Piper on my screens anymore.  I wept because the Doctor lost Rose and because it was sad.  I wept because of the writing.  I know what RTD can do to my heartstrings.  And I'm scared... well, excited and scared.

And that was a big revelation for me.
*bites nails*
Well, I'm trying to organise a Doctor Who party instead of a New Year's party this year, as BBC America will be apparently marathoning Doctor Who all day on January 2nd.  Also, Kelley and Tara have recently been converted to Whovianism, with Leigh supposedly working in the same direction.  Plus I've got Stacyfacy and, if I'm lucky, Amber.  I think with all those people there AND my Little Ten doll to clutch desperately I'll make it through without going all comatose as the months roll by my window and I whine over the Ten-shaped hole in my heart.

tennant, doctor who

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