Dec 17, 2009 22:02
Well, I've managed to keep the Great Afghan hidden from my parents all day, but if tomorrow's a snow day they'll both be home and I won't get a chance to work on it unless I hole myself up in my room.
I'm only posting right now because I'm procrastinating from finishing my take-home exam for that awful film class (and I literally did take the exam home, by the way).
My new cord came in for my laptop. Why have I shorted out two cords since freshman year? The second one only lasted about six months. What am I doing wrong here?
It may snow tomorrow, which is good, but there are holes all in my rubber boots so I'll certainly have wet feet. Sad.
My brain has been very Doctor Who this week. Probably from marathoning series two with Tara. I miss Rose. The show was much cuter and very, very different when she was around. I still adore the show, obviously, but I was just in love with it then.
I've managed to completely avoid all spoilers for The End of Time except that one picture of Ten in that funny hat and a few clips with the sound turned off that played under an interview he did. I survived all the squee of watching him on Never Mind the Buzzcocks (poor Catherine Tate) but the regeneration is still worrying me. Not as much as RTD leaving worries me, though. I mean, he's done his stupid things, but he also made me weep for three days simply because two characters would never see each other again. Tara had a similar reaction. No matter what anybody says about Rusty, he definitely knows what he's doing. I adore him, evil overlord that he is, and always will. The Moff has done some good episodes, of course (Blink and The Empty Child are some of the best that have come out of this show so far) but then there's always Silence in the Library, which was a giant ball of wibbly fail. The Moff has no regard for the over-arching stories, have you noticed? Girl In The Fireplace, for example (which I like to refer to as GITFace thanks to the tags at ihasatardis) completely ruined the snippy jealousy that had been going on between Mickey and Rose while undermining (and I know there are those who like this aspect, but they can stfu) the Doctor and Rose's growing relationship. Like it or not, this show started off as the story of a girl whose life was changed by a man in a blue box, and it wasn't until The Runaway Bride that the Doctor was the real main character. Even that Absorbaloff moron knew that it was all about the chavvy blonde. But Moffat just ignored that. And wasn't there some frustration between him and Rusty regarding having angels as the bad guys? You know, between Blink and Voyage of the Danged? I don't know, I just don't trust Moffatt for the long run. But we'll see. Nothing I can do.
I really hope Matt Smith is wonderful. Heck, I hope that in about six months' time you'll see posts from me about how much I adore the man. I hope he gets an even bigger fanbase than Tennant and I hope the show gets even better and runs for a million years. And I hope that someday there's a companion who is not a female from the early 21st century.
How awesome would it be to have someone from the eighteenth century as a companion? Or someone like Chantho? Or a guy? Or more than one person? Two people who then fall in love with each other and not the Doctor but are from different times or planets and are convinced that it will never work?
I should do my homework.
doctor who,
computer fun