Oct 29, 2010 23:45
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!
I haven't written here in awhile. I feel I need to start writing at length again before I forget how, though I do enjoy crafting pithy facebook status updates.
Pithy, by the way, Is a GRE word I have actually mastered.
We had dry tech today which was friggin bizarre. I've ne'er had a director want to sit down and set levels with me... Especially one who wanted to do this after telling me how he trusted my judgement. In fact, while It was completely refreshing and helpful to have a director actually want to talk about some of the cues and transitions with me... (because the majority of the directors I have worked with have been sooo hands off about it)
but really? Really weird.
This weekend is going to be really fun.
Tomorrow is Vegetarian fest!!! SO MUCH FAKE CHEESE, QUINOA, AND BOBBA DRINK!!!!!
Hopefully I can get a Haircut.
Aaaand Then Zoe's party at night - for which I will either be an elderly superhero (old age make-up, cane)... or a bar brawl super hero. So we'll see.
Sunday is tech. It should be fine. Then I drive home right after rehearsal so I can be home for my dr's appointment on Monday morning, and hopefully get to see my sisters kids in their costumes on friday night.
My tonsil has been the wrong shape and size for over 2 months now. After it being swollen for 4 weeks I went to see a Nurse Practitioner who was really rude to me... Told me it wasn't swollen, but I had a polyp and that it didn't impress her. She kept saying "Iiiii Don't buy it!" and "THAT doesn't imPRESS me" like they were her catch phrases. I told her I wanted another opinion and she said "I'll set up an appointment with your PCP, but I won't set one up with ENT (ear nose throat) because that doesn't impress me" and then she STORMED out. ( she also said that acid reflux cannot make it into your mouth.. and that there was no way it could be causing any of my throat problems)
SO I had to wait Three Weeks to see Dr. Kasshau who said "Oh yes, you have a growth, I'll refer you to ENT, they will probably scope your throat" Thanks, man. I'm glad SOMEONE realizes you shouldn't have things growing on your tonsil. He also said "oh yes, your heartburn could very well be effecting your throat.. You should try this medicine"
and then I had to wait 4 weeks to for this upcoming appointment.
My tonsil hurts (when I talk, sing, eat acidic foods, it gets too cold, it gets too hot), it's the wrong shape and I'm scared and pissed off. If there are any kind of consequence from waiting this long I am going to find That bitch NP and tell her she's a fucking idiot. Regardless I am asking how to submit a complaint about her for being flat out rude to me and treating me like I'm stupid.
If she hadn't been such a bitch I would already know what is wrong now and it probably would have saved me 3-4 weeks of worry. I have yet to meet an NP without a huge ego problem who hasn't belittled me in some way. I don't understand how some of these people can possibly be any kind of health care providers.
People are coming to you when they are SCARED. You don't treat them like they are stupid for being scared. ESPECIAlLY IF YOU CAN SEE A FUCKING GROWTH ON THEIR TONSIL.
blargh. I can't wait for monday. I'd even skip all the fun stuff to be ever so slightly closer to having some answers and maybe having my throat be normal again.
I hate being scared and not being given answers, and I hate being angry.
The only reason this isn't worse than the scabies episode is that I don't have something that I'm giving to other people so I don't feel like a total jerk just by existing and interacting with people.
I can lead my life without fear of fucking over others.. I'm just worried for me.