Feb 12, 2008 11:30
Dear writers, producers, and network execs:
I officially don't care any more. For a few weeks, I cared. I worried, I tuned in with the faint hope that there might be a new episode you were holding and might show during the strike ... and I've been anxiously awaiting the end of the strike. Well, I officially don't care any more! Some shows will just wait until the fall for new stuff. Others won't start until next January. Many won't come back at all?? So I don't care about the following shows any more:
GREY'S ANATOMY: I don't care. It will not bother me if McDreamy and Meredith never get back together and McDreamy sleeps with Rose. I couldn't care less if Dr. Bailey and her husband get divorced, and if the son recovers from his accident. Do I care if the George/Callie/Izzy issue is ever resolved? Heck, no. I'm over you, Grey's Anatomy.
HEROES: I didn't see season one, so I thought I'd give season two a try. I enjoyed it immensely - what I saw of it. And I worried for a while about Syler and if he's going to be invincible. I couldn't believe he killed Maya's brother. I worried about that stupid cheerleader and her psycho "dad" the horn-rimmed glasses guy. I couldn't believe Adam was being burned alive for all eternity in a coffin six feet under. Now? I don't care. They won't be back until Jan '09. Give me a freaking break.
CHUCK: I never cared too much about this show, but it came on before Heroes, so I watched it. Now I really don't care if he ever gets the intersect out of his head, and if he ever succeeds in getting with the hot spy. Poor Adam Baldwin (or whichever one he is) - your show sucks, and it probably won't be back.
JOURNEYMAN: I think it was already cancelled, but I kind of liked it. Actually, I'm in love with the lead actor who was also in HBO's 2-season series "Rome" - so I really only watched it for him. He's hot.
NUMB3RS: That sad actor playing the mathematician genius brother is the same guy who played an effeminate elf in the movie The Santa Clause with Tim Allen. Yep. Still looks just like that, but with poofier hair. I tolerated the show because I'm always down with crime solving tv, but I really don't care about whether the dad (another wash-up) and his sons get along, repair the house, or whatever other crap they're up to. I'm over you, Numb3rs. And really - a number three in your title?? Lame-o.
As long as David Letterman's on the air and HGTV is going strong, I'll be just fine. And I have previous seasons of South Park, Stargate SG-1, and MASH on dvd to keep me company. (Feel free to buy me the next few seasons of South Park - I only have the first two!)
So, to all you writers, producers, and network execs:
"SCREW YOU GUYS, I'M GOING HOME." Freaking hippies.