I never do these....

Nov 10, 2004 19:43

Full Name: Leslie Ann Showalter (maiden-Hale)
Brand of Deodorant: Secret Platinum
Do you like pickles: Very much, I use to drink the pickle juice when I was a little kid
Watch Porn: Sometimes
Who are you going to vote for? I voted for Kerry
Do you have your own phone line: my cell
Thoughts on abortion: pro choice
What do you want to do with your life?: positively affect people's lives
Ever been butt naked bangin' on the bathroom floor: no
Would you ever get plastic surgery, if so, on what?: yes, definitely getting a tummy tuck and a breat lift
Do you think foreign accents are sexy?: very
Most attractive person you know?: Bryan
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: husband
Do you have a crush on someone?: my son
Do you wish you could live somewhere else?: on the beach
Do others find you attractive?: i'm not sure anymore
Do you like roller coasters?: wish i did, but as i've gotten older I just can't take it
Do you write in cursive or print?: print
Underwear: during the day yes
**For or against?...**
Long distance relationships: depends
Doing drugs: depends what drugs.
Premarital sex: of course!
**Do you?...**
Like the taste of blood: yes
Believe in love: yes
Believe in soul mates: yes
Believe in god: yes.
Ever been arrested: nope
Why? never got caught :)
What are you scared of?: old age
What is the most romantic season?: fall
What are you like in relationships?: passionate and dedicated
**The number of...**
Times I have been in love?: twice
Times I have had my heart broken?: many
Hearts I have broken?: a handful
Boys I have slept with? enough
Girls I've slept with?: none
Continents I have lived on?: 1
What's your favorite US city?: San Francisco
Favorite euphemism for sex?: hmmm...don't know
What current trend do you think is ridiculous and wish would go away immediately?: looking trailer (or maybe that's just Britney)
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