May 11, 2004 18:53
i am masticating with my mouth open... bad habbit.
i am also ridding myself of some other bad habbits and it's really hard!
school is no fun with out my habbit... in fact its no fun at all. i just get to watch movies in first period but its not great because i have to wake up early to do it... i would so much rather sleep.
in second i love rodrick... hes so funny and cool. but then he gets mean apres math. how poopy. i guess its peer pressure.
in third i want to kill myself. partly because my habbit eats me from the inside every second that he breathes... partly because dumb graft wouldnt let me print my essays yesterday and wont let me turn them in today. kill....
lunch is fun. i go with megan and heather... and i guess jessica is mad at me and heather because she wont come at all. but i like them. it is good
fifth and sixth... they are fun. i like meggisan and mariska... and i like to play with them. im in a good mood now.
time to go....
byebye all.