(no subject)

Feb 08, 2006 09:27

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
Gimme the blue box puhleeease =).....nuff said
Literary: I too am a sucker for some good Chic Lit I think it all started with a little series called the Babysitters Club.....I own #'s 1-40 plus the 5 Special Editions that they had written by the time I graduated to Sweet Valley High. Audiovisual: Reality TV ANTM, Amazing Race, Project Runway, Blow Out, Americal Idol, Real World/Road Rules Challenges.....I watch them ALL, I can't help it, my Tivo made me do it =)
Musical: Boy Bands I still love me some N*Sync and Backstreet Boys any day any time.....and if I could magically import my NKOTB cassette tapes on to my IPod I'd probably still be listening to those too
Celebrity: Online Celeb Gossip Columns Religously read PageSix, Ted Casablanca's The Awful Truth (EOnline), Watch with Kristin (a combo TV Show/Celeb gossip cloumn also EOnline), and anything else I can find....this is how I typically spend my first hour or so at work every morning =)

Now I tag:-

ardaliz ardaliz ardaliz ardaliz and jeerudoesntknow

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