Signs point to yes.

Aug 17, 2007 10:53

Before the internet when people were at a mental stalemate with a question they picked up the trusty Magic 8 Ball, gave it a shake and got the "completely random" answer they were looking for. In modern times, we use the equivalent, Google.

As I guess is normal of people my age I am oft-conflicted about what I should do with my life. I know what I THINK my life path should be, but for some reason this little voice keeps nagging me, mentioning something else that I have considered as well.

As my job is so engaging, I decided to do little Google search. I stumbled upon a list of the 10 highest and 10 lowest paid careers requiring college degrees. Wouldn't you know the life path I THINK I should take is very near the top of the highest paid and the nagging voice of course on the lowest, which I knew and expected.

I just do the whole cost benefit: will I regret taking life path A and feel like I sold out in twenty years vs. will I regret taking life path B and the lack of money and never taking the chance.

I guess I should be thankful the answer wasn't "reply hazy, try again." : )

college-age whining, pondering life

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