I feel like this question would be answered if I had been on tumblr lately but is anyone watching Poldark? I haven't watched it yet but I keep hearing about it from people. But you guys are the only ones I trust about what to watch on TV....
I'd say we could talk about how disappointing this season of True Detective is, but in order to talk about it, I would have to have paid enough attention to be able to say anything beyond "who thought Vince Vaughn was a good idea?" and "Motorcycle?" and "something about a pawn shop, maybe?"
What's happening is Pizzolato thinks he's a better writer than he actually is. He is particularly egregiously bad at writing women, and people who have to behave like humans in human situations. This is my summation.
110% agree. And I think they thought that with such a high-profile cast (well, not really though, McCoughney and Harrelson are better known) and hype, they could make up for all the horrible dialogue and the non-plot, but seriously, it's so bad. And I think in last week's episode they tried to make up for all the non-sense with all the orgies! I miss Rust, a lot though.
My new thing is dry heaving whenever Vaughn's wife comes on the screen. Nothing against Kelly Reilly, but that character is so terribly underwritten that I cannot even recall her name. She's just a walking sadface. And Ani is a walking Righteously Angryface. Which is justified, granted, because all the men are just awful human beings.
I have to watch it on demand because I work Sunday nights. I was sad to not have it up until Tuesday evening. The torture. Oh, the torture.
It's really the only thing I've enjoyed this summer. Gave up on True Detective.
I am not real sure why I'm still watching.
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