I am writing to you from my new computer! It is good, but weird. Going from a 15-inch to an 11-inch display is kind of jarring at first. Also, I loathe Windows 8--but I get a free upgrade to Window 10 in July, so maybe it won't suck as much as this version does. However, it is super nice to have a computer with an updated processor, and as such I will be purchasing Sims 4 when I get paid on Saturday. So excite.
It was my birthday on Monday, and my family and Geoff all donated toward this computer which was great. Today I just got a package from my best friend who sent me all three seasons of Veronica Mars plus Parks season 7, bless her. She's a keeper.
Work is kind of nuts right now, and a former coworker is trying to headhunt me to go work for a rival college, for which I have a phone interview tomorrow. If I can get them to give me a salary even close to mine, it would be a no-brainer if the job was offered because it is working 95% from home. Why yes, I do want to work in pajamas every day. But I don't know if I should take a big pay cut if I can't get them to negotiate on that salary, even though this company seems more stable than mine right now. Eek! Big decisions lay ahead (if an offer is made).
Oohh, well done, best friend! I hope your par-tay this weekend is a smashing good time (both in the figurative sense and in the euphemistic sense where you'll be getting drunk).
I hope you'll be offered something similar in pay for that added bonus of job security and working in pj's. Then again, you know what I'll do if anyone stands in your way! Just say the word and I'll chug a bottle of wine to prepare the Molotov cocktail.
<3 Thank you, Jules. This will probably be a really tough decision, so you know I will talk everyone's ear off until I figure it out. So thank you in advance.
I feel Lana would be very pro you working from home.
Obviously an equivalent salary would be best, but even you can't negotiate, think of the money you'd save on gas, lunch, and new work clothes. If an offer is made, I think a Leslie Knope pro-con list would be in order.
These are great points. I mean, my commute is ten minutes, but still. Also, if I were to have a kid, not having to pay for childcare would be amazing. Eeek! I will definitely need that pro-con list.
Remember though that you canNOT work from home with a child at home too. You still need to have childcare. No employer would permit that. (Or, no smart employer would.) I've heard of people having to provide proof of childcare to be allowed to work from home.
My kids are 6 and 8, and still I can't work with them at home, unless they're watching TV, and even then I have to have one ear open and be ready to respond. When they were younger, forget it. And my kids were pretty easy.
tl;dr: go get that paper, because childcare is a) necessary, and b) fricking expensive. Bargain hard!
Thank you--I think I knew that, deep down, but was trying to pretend otherwise.
UGH, adulting is hard. It's also crazy that most other friends I know who have kids either quit working or use their parents for childcare, and I don't think that would fly with my mom and dad (nor would I want to ask them to spend their retirement babysitting). And Geoff's parents--no. His dad and stepmom are out of state, and I wouldn't trust his mother with my DOG, much less a human. So yeah, we're going to have to suck it up and actually find someone to watch our baby when we have one! Blerg.
I am writing to you from my new computer! It is good, but weird. Going from a 15-inch to an 11-inch display is kind of jarring at first. Also, I loathe Windows 8--but I get a free upgrade to Window 10 in July, so maybe it won't suck as much as this version does. However, it is super nice to have a computer with an updated processor, and as such I will be purchasing Sims 4 when I get paid on Saturday. So excite.
It was my birthday on Monday, and my family and Geoff all donated toward this computer which was great. Today I just got a package from my best friend who sent me all three seasons of Veronica Mars plus Parks season 7, bless her. She's a keeper.
Work is kind of nuts right now, and a former coworker is trying to headhunt me to go work for a rival college, for which I have a phone interview tomorrow. If I can get them to give me a salary even close to mine, it would be a no-brainer if the job was offered because it is working 95% from home. Why yes, I do want to work in pajamas every day. But I don't know if I should take a big pay cut if I can't get them to negotiate on that salary, even though this company seems more stable than mine right now. Eek! Big decisions lay ahead (if an offer is made).
I hope you'll be offered something similar in pay for that added bonus of job security and working in pj's. Then again, you know what I'll do if anyone stands in your way! Just say the word and I'll chug a bottle of wine to prepare the Molotov cocktail.
Do you know for the new job if you'd have to do a few interviews or will tomorrow's one pretty much be it? I hope you can negotiate that salary!
Excellent gifts.
Obviously an equivalent salary would be best, but even you can't negotiate, think of the money you'd save on gas, lunch, and new work clothes. If an offer is made, I think a Leslie Knope pro-con list would be in order.
My kids are 6 and 8, and still I can't work with them at home, unless they're watching TV, and even then I have to have one ear open and be ready to respond. When they were younger, forget it. And my kids were pretty easy.
tl;dr: go get that paper, because childcare is a) necessary, and b) fricking expensive. Bargain hard!
UGH, adulting is hard. It's also crazy that most other friends I know who have kids either quit working or use their parents for childcare, and I don't think that would fly with my mom and dad (nor would I want to ask them to spend their retirement babysitting). And Geoff's parents--no. His dad and stepmom are out of state, and I wouldn't trust his mother with my DOG, much less a human. So yeah, we're going to have to suck it up and actually find someone to watch our baby when we have one! Blerg.
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