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owlsaremonsters May 29 2015, 01:28:31 UTC

I hope everyone is doing well! My internet was out for 14 terrifying hours yesterday/this morning, but thankfully it is all fixed now, though I am still without cell service and that will probably take a while to fix (everything got shorted out during a thunderstorm last night).

This week the baby all of a sudden started smiling a lot - but as soon as you try to take a picture, he really focuses on the camera and gets serious, so I don't have a whole lot of evidence of this. He's also started trying to suck on his whole fist - not the thumb, not just a couple fingers, the whole thing. Tomorrow he is going to get some vaccines! You're welcome rest of society. We are happy to add to your herd immunity.

I'm in the middle of season 4 of Mad Men now and continuing to hate many many characters.

My in-laws arrive in two days! Also, my husband is considering hiring his kind of terrible cousin to be one of his workers this summer and I think it's not a great idea, but I am trying to not get too involved in that.


emilyla May 29 2015, 01:43:30 UTC
So happy you have internet again. And haha yay for vaccinations.

And yikes about your husband's cousin, but hopefully it isn't a huge disaster?


owlsaremonsters May 29 2015, 01:58:50 UTC
(I'll be honest, I'm glad we're doing the vaccines, but also I am kind of terrified, because I know its rare, but I really hope there are no complications, but there won't be, I'm sure there won't be, but it's a little scary because now there are all the crackpots saying how their kids had those rare reactions…)

And yeah, I really really hope it isn't a huge disaster if his cousin does work here. It's just weird mixing family with work, and I tried to frame that to Patrick today - like, would he feel comfortable giving his cousin negative feedback? (because I guarantee that he'd have to at some point). But Patrick thinks it would be a good environment for him, he's a young kid, just graduating from high school, but he hasn't had a lot of structure in his life and so is kind of rude and lazy.


emilyla May 29 2015, 02:01:43 UTC
Yeah, mixing family with work is probably not a great idea? Yikes, hopefully he grows up a bit and isn't so awful by the end of the summer.


throwingpens May 29 2015, 02:40:34 UTC
As a member of society, I thank you. I am glad your terrifyign internet-less time is over. When I was in college, lightning hit my apartment complex's internet and we were out for TWO DAYS over the weekend. IT WAS AWFUL. I went to MCDONALD'S DOWN THE ROAD for wifi.

Who is your least favorite MM character as of whatever ep you're on?


owlsaremonsters May 29 2015, 03:19:31 UTC
I HATE not having wifi, and thankfully Patrick knows how much it drives me crazy and he fixed it really quickly today. I used to go to McDonalds for internet too! Whenever we were in Arizona visiting in-laws (they only just got internet this past year) we'd stay for like two weeks with no internet and then Patrick would grumble when I would insist on going to mcdonalds all the time, HE DIDN"T UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS SO IMPORTANT

Okay, right now Don is being an ass to his secretary who he slept with and then didn't acknowledge that he had slept with and the poor woman is not happy about that. Pete is bullying his father in law into getting more business from him, but in like the most asshole way ever. Glen is just being the creepiest little kid in the world. I'd say that Pete is still my least fav, but Don is being the most infuriating right now.


throwingpens May 29 2015, 03:26:47 UTC
Patrick is a mountain man type, so I wouldn't expect him to understand the no wifi struggle. I was SO GRATEFUL for McDonald's, and i'm so glad someone else uses mcdonald's as their wifi and not starbucks or something. SOMETIMES AMBER NEEDS STARCHES.


owlsaremonsters May 29 2015, 03:31:31 UTC
Starbucks does not have mcflurries! Or fries! And I'm not going to sit there pretending to write a novel. McDonalds is for people who know what they are about and are confident in their decisions re: internet usage.


throwingpens May 29 2015, 03:35:07 UTC
*i know what i'm about son.gif*

seriously. I need some tumblr, i need some fic, and i need some other random internet time.

Everyone loves french fries. Now I want french fries. I'm SO HUNGRY but SO NAUSEOUS EVERYTHIGN IS TERRIBLE.


owlsaremonsters May 29 2015, 03:42:02 UTC
Oh no! What about the classic nausea foods? Crackers? toast?

I'm going to go get some chips deluxe cookies and a glass of milk, because I haven't had my dessert yet, and I deserve it.


throwingpens May 29 2015, 12:41:50 UTC
i didn't bother. i have a headache right now and i don't know if it's mouth-related or stress-related or hunger-related. probably a combination of all three.


sullen_aquarian May 29 2015, 03:12:34 UTC
Yay vaccines!

Wait, is Gus doing Blue Steel?


owlsaremonsters May 29 2015, 03:21:06 UTC

... )


sullen_aquarian May 29 2015, 03:26:30 UTC
Clearly he's too cute to be a serious model just yet : ).


throwingpens May 29 2015, 12:42:48 UTC


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