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Comments 120

craponaspatula February 5 2015, 23:41:59 UTC
Hello darlings, how is life? My week has consisted of teaching javascript, cracking skulls, watching this episode several times, and super making out with an old flame I ran into at a Super Bowl party.


last_empress February 5 2015, 23:50:28 UTC
Could you teach me javascript and also how to find an old flame to make out with? One will help me professionally, one personally (also, your week sounds badass).


k8_26_2 February 5 2015, 23:52:20 UTC
Sounds like a pretty solid week. My son is taking a week-long JavaScript class at Cal this summer. Maybe next year he'll be able to teach your students.


angelica_rules February 6 2015, 00:40:46 UTC

sounds awesome!


last_empress February 5 2015, 23:56:24 UTC
Allo, friends! After being late to last week's party, it appears as though I'm early tonight (this never happens, I'm late always).

I just went to make myself a 'green' smoothie before dinner, then forgot and opened a beer instead. Priorities.

I finished watching S2 of 'The Fall' this week. Holy! That show is amazing. A friend of mine recommended it and I got hooked. I love how creepy it is in a totally subtle way. And the acting is super great.

Tomorrow night some friends are coming to my place to see the Shen Yun Chinese Performing Arts tour in Detroit. It looks crazemazing. Then we'll probably drink a lot and on Sat I'll drag them around Detroit to look at ruin porn and go to the Motown Museum. I can't wait.

There are no words for how much I loved this week's episode. Please don't leave us, show.


k8_26_2 February 6 2015, 00:04:48 UTC
Opening a beer sounds a lot easier than making a green smoothie.

Have fun this weekend! All of your plans sound great.


last_empress February 6 2015, 00:09:01 UTC
It tastes a lot better too. I just told myself I would have the smoothie after dinner as 'dessert'. Then immediately laughed.


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k8_26_2 February 6 2015, 00:03:09 UTC
This week has been alright. The highpoint was definitely Tuesday's Parks ep. My dog was diagnosed with a staph infection, so we are treating him for that. Got up at 4:30 a.m. two days in a row (Tuesday and Wednesday) to run with my club and it was really good to get out there with my team for the first time in like a month, but I am still tired from those early wake-ups.

The weekend promises to be better, though. My husband is in the Bay Area for work so I'm flying out to meet him tomorrow afternoon. We're going to hit up Sketchfest and, I hope, the bar at Burger Bar. We'll probably be home by Saturday evening but the kids have Monday off so we're going to tag along with Mr. Kate on a work trip to the Central Coast. I'm thinking of taking the kids to the Mystery Spot, maybe. None of us have ever been there.

I had to buy an umbrella today since it's supposed to be rainy in the Bay Area. I am currently torn between dressing for comfort/what I want to wear and dressing for the weather.


last_empress February 6 2015, 00:07:35 UTC
That's awesome that you're going to Sketchfest and SF in general sounds like a pretty fun weekend. I heart the Central Coast of Ca.

Sorry to hear about your pup, but I'm guessing he'll be okay with treatment?

Glad to read you got to run! I used to run a lot, and would like to get back into it come spring. It's such a great stress reliever/mental vacation.


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craponaspatula February 6 2015, 00:29:43 UTC
Have we discussed your visit to San Francisco yet?!? Did I know this and forgot?? Are you going to come have waffles with me??


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last_empress February 6 2015, 00:15:30 UTC
High five for what sounds like an awesome work accomplishment! It's always great to get good feedback from people, and even more so when your job can be thankless (I feel you there). Congrats!

DAY DRINKING WITH CHOCOLATE?! Whaaaaaat? That sounds like my idea of a good time.

I have a tendency of weepily (and drunkenly) admitting my love for people when my favorite teams do good things, so I can relate to your brother.


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last_empress February 6 2015, 00:20:34 UTC
Hanging out in the mountains, drinking wine outside and eating cheese and bread would be my favorite daily activities if I a). lived near mountains and b). wanted to be 5,000 pounds. But YES, let's do that when I'm in DC again for sure.


throwingpens February 6 2015, 00:29:32 UTC
Checking in from the frozen tundra that is Chicago. It is currently 12, which is warmer than my morning commute. I don't think it will be this cold for parkscon, don't fret.

The worst part about this week has been my inability to sleep. I've slept a total of 5.5 hours in the last 55 hours, and will be going in late to work tomorrow.

I also have to deep-clean my apartment in the next day and a half as my cousin is staying with me for the weekend. We are excited and I'm nervous.

I started taking my meds again, and I haven't cried yet! I've also lost four pounds, some of which was period weight gain, but I'm feeling better about that. I'm not super averse to weighing a specific weight. It's just when clothes don't fit right, I get upset.

Beer me strength over the next few days. I'm going to need it.


last_empress February 6 2015, 00:35:21 UTC
I feel your pain, as it's currently a balmy 9 here.

Glad to hear you are feeling better/not crying on meds. I had the same situation in early January (and about 75% of last year). Hope you can get some sleep SOON, especially with a visitor coming! Damn gurl, how are you staying awake?


throwingpens February 6 2015, 01:00:04 UTC
My next door neighbor looks like she can't get warm, I passed her in the hallway.

I've never been good at sleeping. I think I've slept a solid 9+ hours once in the last year: when i went to see stars_inthe_sky. I slept on her air mattress for almost ten hours. It was bonkers, but I needed it. I wantedto do more things, but my body needed the sleep, i guess. I stay awake by drinking a ton of water (you can't fall asleep if you have to pee!) and by just working all the time.


last_empress February 6 2015, 01:02:38 UTC
True, water would definitely help! I find that I sleep longer on weekends, but only average about 5 hrs/night during the week. But I also pump myself full off caffeine, so that's helpful.


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