Yesterday I found a pair of knee-high GREEN Frye boots. On sale. In my size. Unfortunately, the sale price was still $400. So I did not let myself try them on or take a picture of them. I did relay the story to kyrieanne this morning, and we mourned our lack of unlimited shoe budgets.
They were so pretty, those boots.
In other news, since last Thursday, my latest insane-ish fandom craft project arrived safely at Chez stars_inthe_sky, and I suffered a bout of PMS that I feel was unreasonably bad, considering that I'm on hormonal birth control and therefore technically not even ovulating. Stupid ladyparts. Everything hurt and I was dying.
There's a delightful episode of House Hunters on now. The couple want a 200-year-old farmhouse and the words "open concept floor plan" have not been spoken.
LJ is spamming my link, I was trying to say, if you go to the Frye website and search for the Dorado Riding...they weren't those boots exactly. But that was the green.
I'm sorry to hear about both your lack of unlimited shoe budget and the terrible PMS and I hope that at least one of those things resolves itself pretty soon!
They were so pretty, those boots.
In other news, since last Thursday, my latest insane-ish fandom craft project arrived safely at Chez stars_inthe_sky, and I suffered a bout of PMS that I feel was unreasonably bad, considering that I'm on hormonal birth control and therefore technically not even ovulating. Stupid ladyparts. Everything hurt and I was dying.
There's a delightful episode of House Hunters on now. The couple want a 200-year-old farmhouse and the words "open concept floor plan" have not been spoken.
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