(no subject)

Aug 30, 2004 12:59

Mascara? Yup =P
Eyeliner? Certainly!
Push up bras? haha naw!
Scented clothes? Ooooh aye =D Makes ya feel all fresh n stuff!
Blow driers? Nah I'd rather sit in the back and let the wind dry it ^o) lol sometimes!
Nail polish? Yus, either clear, hardener stuff or black =D
Foundation? try naw!
Lip stick? That stuff is horrid, unless it's no that visible
Lip gloss? depends
Breath mints? No really
 chewin gum? oh aye
Eye shadow? Nah hate the stuff, unless its black glittery stuff an even then it's horrid
Rouge? Get - a - grip
Lipliners? =| YOU KIDDING?
Sexy outfits? Wit like leathery stuff n they yellow jackets everyones wearing? Clearly not =|
Heels? Only if am goin a night oot which I dont that much =P hate heels though 8-)

Pluck? Yup
Wax? I tried once but the wax didny work out right so naw =P
Shave? fuck i done that when i was like 13 8-) thats why they look so gay now
Curved? I wish lol
Arched? nah
Their natural color? Brown
Thin? no really ^.^

Get 'em done? Nope
Do 'em yourself? Just keep em clean n stuff
Keep them nice but long? Lmao naw wit fur so i can break 1 an say "OH MY GOD I'VE BROKE A NAIL" an then start crying and takin a flakey ? hate people like that 8-)
Clean and short? Yup, well no short but no long either =P it irritates me if theyre too short
Clear nailpolish? s'pose so but theres no point in clear to me anyway but sumtimes i put it over black to make it extra shiney lmao =D
Leave 'em alone? naw wit would i leave them alone for if i cleaned em myself =S
Bite them? I used to lol but am trying to stop cos it hurted me

Contacts? <3 nope
What color? dark green
Do you like dark eyes? yep
Long lashes? i dont have long eyelashes noo
What makes a pretty eye? A pretty contact lense ;)

Full? naw =S
Small? aye
Huge? fuck noooo
Normal? nah they aint normal

[Do you]
- smoke?: on msn yeah lmao but no in real life am an angel ^.^
- do drugs?: noooooooooo
- drink?: no that much cos when i dae i get all dizzy and feel like am gonna die n i hate that feeling but sometimes i jst dont care =P
- have sex?: naw but its none a ur business anyhoo =P
- have a crush? Yep
- have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope =P
- have a dream that keeps coming back?: yeh lmao
- play an instrument?: pots and pans/recorder/keyboarder
- believe there is life on other planets?: Surely McFly are proof of that =S
- read the newspaper?: If am bored an its there =}
- have any gay or lesbian friends?: funny you should ask ^o) lol aye =P
- believe in miracles?: naw
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yup =D
- consider yourself tolerant of others?: i guess so
- consider police a friend or foe?: well theyre no ma friends so obviously a foe =S an anyway theyre bastards =S
- have a favourite Stooge?: a wit?
- believe in Astrology?: naw
- believe in magic?: yep =D
- go to church?: every week =} even saturday for confessions =O ^o)
- have any secrets?: course i do =S
- have any pets?: my pet rat/bat, goes by the name of Pat aka Mum
- go to or plan to go to college? yep started today lol
- talk to strangers who instant message you?: no i dont speak to bad strangers ^o)
- wear hats?: yahhhh =D my cowboy 1 lmao an my black 1 from primark which is so fluffily comfy
- have any piercings?: yup ears and my toes ^o)
- have any tattoos?: Nope ={
- hate yourself?: well i've lived with myself for nearly 17 years, so aye =P
- have a "hot spot"?: .........no
- wish on stars?: nah jst stare at them
- like your handwriting?: i used to before it went all weird on me
- have any bad habits?: no im perfect ^o)
- believe in witches?: Yeh I live with one
- believe in Satan?: nope
- believe in ghosts?: yus =D
- believe in Santa?: course i do =}
- believe in the Easter Bunny?: nah he's/she's a twat
- believe in the Tooth Fairy?: naw shes a wee tramp who never gave me money ={
- have a second family?: well if thats what u wanna call it aye
- trust others easily?: depends who
- like sarcasm?: hate it =P
- take walks in the rain?: yeh i also take a bucket so it fills up with rainwater then i find a cat so i can bathe it ^o) naw lmao
- kiss with your eyes closed?: well like jojo said it's rude to stare pmsl
- sing in the shower?: well if i have ma music blarin when no1 is in i sing along =P

[Bathroom Stuff]
Do you like to shower, or take a bath?: shower cos i has no bath ={ miss it <3
Do you use shower/bath gel or just regular soap?: i dont wash properly ^o)
When at a friend/stranger's house, do you sometimes feel weird about going to the bathroom?: yeh me no likey ={}
Do you shave?: naw my names miss mcghee {course i shave u dumbass!}
How long does it take you to shower?: well if am in a hurry bout 15-20mins but if im not i stay in for like an hour cos me loves the heat from it <3
Conditioner? Or just Shampoo?: both , but loads of both!


Do your friends find you weird sometimes?: 8-) better ask them...
Do your friends think you have odd taste in the opposite/same sex?: naw =}
Do you ever/have you ever laughed for no reason at all for a long time?: yep :-}
Do you like the color purple?: yeh
Do you think you have any influence on others?: probably not
Would you ever hump a tree at night while hanging out with your friends. . just to make them laugh? Cus you're weird like that?: nope i dont make people laugh on purpose just so they'll like me 8-) but i probly would climb the tree :'D

[This or That]
Golf or Football?: fooooooooootball
Baseball or Hockey?: OH OH Hockey <3 i used to play hockey =D we won a silver badge fingey :P me was so very proud
Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads?: i dont mind =D dont like bleach blonde tho yukky
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream or Cappucino?: ice cream of course
AOL or Death?: AOL will be the death of me :@


Person you felt most comfortable with/talking to? maself =P
Person you'd have a sleepover with?: joanney mostly
Person you'd fight a rabid dog for?: rabid lmao erm...a cat, i would cos me <3 cats
Favorite color?: purple n black
Favorite singer?: prob avril or wee jamie cullum {his stuff is better than i thought lol}
Favorite Tv Show?: friends =P or...my big fat obnoxious fiance prog fingey but its done now ={ it was well funny!
Favorite present you gave someone?: gave my big sister a massage kit for xmas n it was well relaxing, i want it back =|


Do you like anyone?: no i hate everyone ^o) course i do ya muppet
Do they live near you?: erm, well...i know they live in glasgow but dunno where =S
Age ain't nothin but a number?: well its no exactly letters is it 8-)
Do you believe in 'internet' relationships?: pmsl naw
Do you believe in 'waiting for what you want'?: yup u hafta =|
Do you believe in love at first site? naw =|
Do you believe in "everything happens for a reason: dunno cos like a door falling on top of you couldnt happen for a reason, except to scare the life out ya and possibly break a few bones or even kill ya with shock but i dunno but it dnt really matter cos no1 is ever gonna find out so no point wasting time guessin eh =P

Right well I'll tell you later on about today, Im hungry now and going to watch my fave film ever =D coyote ugly :moke: later skater! x
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