Title: Ageless
Fandom/Universe: The Sims 2/
strange_tomatoCharacter(s): Tank Grunt +others
Rating: K+
When he is six years old, a surprise thunderstorm sends Tank Grunt climbing into bed beside his mother. She holds him tight and doesn’t let go until he manages to stop shaking and nod off to sleep.
He doesn’t thank her or even remember it really - it’s an inconsequential childhood moment that may or may not be forgotten by the next day.
But for that moment it had been enough.
When he is fourteen years old, his mother disappears forever and Tank steps into his new role of perfect son. He wears the face paint without thinking and begins to learn that anger can be strength if only you know how to channel it properly.
He is becoming someone his father can be proud of.
But he still hates to see his reflection in the mirror.
When he is twenty years old, his father follows suit and Tank wonders what was the point in the end. He beats Ripp until there’s almost nothing left and lets the anger find its way into everything he touches.
He tries very, very hard not to think about it.
But he still sometimes finds himself shaking when he’s alone.
When he is twenty-one years old, Frances kisses him for the very first time. Tank responds the only way he can - by pushing the other person far away. It isn’t raining outside and Tank can not be someone new again.
He’s already been shaped by his father and, like it or not, he was Buzz’s favored son and that should count for something.
But sometimes he wonders if there’s more to himself than that.
When he is twenty-four, Tank Grunt enters the military. He gets reacquainted with the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy surrounding his work. It isn’t a rule he really has to worry about following anyway. Tank Grunt is practically silent.
He soon forgets that there was ever anything to tell.
But once in a while he thinks about letting himself bleed the words out, before shoving those thoughts to the back of his mind where no one will ever find them again.
When he is twenty-seven, Tank gets married. The bride is lovely and his brothers don’t embarrass him - even Ripp who is notorious for doing things like that. He thanks them with a small, genuine smile; which is something rare for him. He doesn’t really smile too often.
He spends his honeymoon trying not to say the wrong thing.
But he’s honestly just never been very good at keeping people.
When he is thirty-two, Johnny Smith is dead. Surprisingly, it’s not his fault. Ripp comes to visit and Tank can see the flight instincts kicking in at the back of Ripp’s mind. The only thing keeping him grounded to Strangetown now is Ophelia and Tank wonders how long that will last. Ripp was always Lyla’s son.
He thinks about leaving too.
But he doesn’t know if he has the strength to start over.
When he is thirty-two and a half, his wife asks for a divorce. She tells him that it’s like being married to a corpse and that she hates him. He doesn’t say anything, which only validates her claim. She leaves and takes the dog with her. They never had kids.
He’s seen what the military does to kids and knows that he did the right thing.
But still he dreams of a different life, complete with warm arms to stop him from shaking when the rain gets to be too much.
When he is forty-six, he marries for the second time. The wedding is even smaller than the last. Buck helps him fill out paperwork. Ripp is gone. He briefly wonders if he took Ophelia with him.
He doesn’t ask Buck about Ripp, because he doesn’t really want to know.
But sometimes he wonders who will be the next Grunt to disappear forever.
When he is forty-nine, Frances wanders back into his life. It isn’t that he’d ever really left, but the military had made staying in contact hard. Too much movement and day-to-day business had put a strain on their friendship. Tank had never been very good at staying connected anyway.
He studies his old friend’s frame and is pleased to find that Frances seems genuinely happy
But Tank wonders if there’s something still missing.
When he is fifty-one, Frances kisses him for the second time. Tank thinks about pushing him away, but pulls him closer instead. It’s still the most awkward thing that’s ever happened to him, but he doesn’t fight it. Tank Grunt is tired of fighting.
He rests his hand on Frances’ shoulder as Frances snakes his arms around Tank’s neck and doesn’t let go.
But Tank is still unsure.
When he is sixty-five, Tank follows Ripp who followed Buzz who followed Lyla. He’s never been one for prayer, but he still begs something that Buck doesn’t fade too. He hopes that at least one Grunt manages to make it out all right.
He doesn’t worry about the thunder.
But sometimes Tank wonders if he’s really even alive anymore
When he is seventy-nine, he walks out to the old Specter graveyard. He knows that’s where his parents are. He’s always known, he thinks. Somewhere inside of him, he could feel them there - waiting.
He lies down between them, crushing the flowers with his weight as the rain begins to fall across his face that still looks too much like his father’s did. He’s been growing his hair out too - for Ripp.
He closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep….
But Tank Grunt does not dream.
a/n: This was actually supposed to be a Frances/Tank...thing. But it uh.... didn't really go there? Except it did a little? But that isn't the overall point? :\
Also, pictures are for chumps. Lol.
This Tank is basically S,HWC's Tank, but also not really? Like, it could be maybe, but maybe not at all. I don't know, I have a hard time breaking Strange's Tank down. But it's definitely a Tank that went through the same storylines that her Tank did, but the outcomes and personalities of this Tank might be quite a bit different. This Tank is very... muted. It's that whole 'walking through life without being alive' thing that I like to explore. I especially like when these 'dead' characters finally realize what it means to 'live'. Tank doesn't really get one of those moments though. :C