Title: In Distress
Fandom/Universe: Fireside Tales (until I can think of a better name...)
Character(s): Tass, Ellie, Sam
Rating: K+
“-But I want to help you!”
He sighs again, because he always sighs, and he turns back to the bouncy girl behind him with bright red hair and so many freckles and those damnable green eyes that almost burn holes into his soul and he knows (God how he knows) that she’s worthless and stupid and if he says yes he’s going to be putting a lot of people in danger and that would be a really bastardish thing for him to do.
But then again she has such pretty eyes.
He feels someone else watching him talk to the bouncy girl and he turns ‘round to see Ellie looking at him like he’s made the most idiotic decision of his life (even though she knows he’s done stupider things), but she’ll never verbally reprimand him because she’s gone mute for some reason or another, or maybe she just really doesn’t feel like there’s anyone around worth talking to, but whatever the case is she hasn’t spoken to him for the past four years they’ve been travelling together and he doesn’t expect her to start now.
But she does roll her eyes and he can imagine her thinking something about men thinking with the wrong head, but he smiles anyway to show her that maybe, just maybe he has some inkling of what he’s doing (even though he doesn’t...not. at. all.)
“Oh thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!” The green-eyed beauty cries out happily as she throws her arms around Tass and holds him tight and he’s thinking that maybe he shouldn’t be the one making decisions anymore, because he knows for a fact that this girl is nothing but a damsel-in-distress and he’s going to end up wasting a lot of valuable time saving her ass from some villain or another.
The girl pulls away sharply and holds out a hand and looks at him with those gorgeous green eyes and once again he really doesn’t care about anything else.
“Oh my name is Samantha, but you should call me Sam.” And at this point there are alarms going off in his head and he knows that if it weren’t for those eyes that feel like the taste of warm chocolate in his mouth he’d hate her so much right now, because she’s the most annoyingly cliche girl that he’s ever met, almost two-dimensional if you will as if she had no real character and her only purpose was to annoy the hell out of everyone in the whole world and he’s thinking about calling her Mary-Sue instead.
And he can almost hear Ellie gagging in the background, but he tries to ignore it and pretend like he made the right decision.
“So Sam,” He says tearing himself away from those goddamn eyes, “How are your battle statistics? What are you...a mage? Warrior? Thief? Probably a mage since Ellie’s a thief and I’m a warrior and Lord knows that parties traveling together never have two characters of the same class.”
“Actually I’m a damsel.”
“Really?” He asks feeling his heart sink. He croaks a bit, “And uh...what can a damsel...err...do?”
“Oh, y’know, get rescued by warriors and princes and knights-in-shining-armor.”
And he can feel Ellie dying of laughter somewhere behind him and he’s wondering how he’s gonna get out of this fine mess he’s gotten himself into.
“Oh right...of course...just let me just go and...uhh....discuss the final arrangements with my Party.” And its funny because his “party” consists of only himself and Ellie so its really more of a partnership than a Party, but he calls it a party anyway and proclaims himself its leader if only so that if they ever do somehow accidentally save the world he gets to be known as the “Hero”.
He walks towards Ellie for the first couple steps, before sprinting into a run.
“Oh gawds, Elle, HELP ME!” He screeches and shakes her shoulders, but she only smiles so wide and looks at him with those sharp teeth and those dull brown eyes and the long green hair and for a moment he wonders yet again just what the hell kind of creature Ellie is, but he doesn’t have time to solve that mystery just yet.
He pouts for a while and tries to look pitiful, and eventually Ellie sighs and gives in and starts gesturing madly with her hands.
“Good plan!” He cries out in triumph and the Sam girl is watching from down the road with a large grin on her face and as he goes over the plan in his head he tries to remember not to look into her eyes.
“So when do we hit the open road?!” Sam calls to the duo.
And the duo smiles at her, but the smiles aren’t quite so nice and if Sam were somewhat intelligent she’d be able to tell a nice smile from a big-bad-wolf smile, but she’s really not all that clever or important to the story (In fact this whole story isn’t all that clever or important) and so she doesn’t notice the difference.
Although she does notice when Ellie rips the change purse out of her hand.
And she also notices when Tass cracks a rock over her head and sends her crumbling to the ground.
After that she doesn’t notice much of anything.
“Man, am I a genius or what?” Tass brags to Ellie who just sighs to herself and starts down the road, glad that they’ll actually be able to afford dinner for once. “Hey!” Tass yells after her retreating form. “Wait up!”
And she does, because somewhere in the back of her mind she actually sort of likes the big dope.
“So,” He says snaking an arm around her shoulders and looking into her plain brown eyes and feeling content. “How about dinner at the Elf Village tonight? They make the best veggie burgers this side of Lafoga.”
Ellie shakes her head.
And smiles.
a/n: This is from the beginning of 11th grade. But I want to post all the Ellie and Tass adventure stories. Tass has some problems with controlling his powers, Ellie is mute and kind of hates everyone.
Not friends-locked, because it isn't worth taking.