Title: Who You'll Be
Fandom/Universe: Avatar
Character(s): Zuko, Earth Mother (OC)
Rating: K
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?”
And she smiles and laughs a little and bats her big brown eyes at him. She shifts her hips to the side and folds her arms over her chest and makes him feel like the only thing he knows for sure is that he knows absolutely nothing.
“Honey, the whole world is waiting for you to be saved.”
He inhales sharply and scowls.
“What does that mean?” He demands for he is a goddamned prince, goddamnit (and he is also not a poet).
She slides over to him and wraps an arm around his shoulders, pressing her chest against his arm and even the prince can’t stop himself from flushing red. She winks and grins and is the perfect picture of femininity, all breasts and curves and warmth. He feels awkward beneath her touch, like she is some kind of enemy, but she is wearing the fire nation symbol and she has the gold touch to her brown eyes and he can smell the ash on her. She is one of them, one of him. But he can’t help but feel wrong in her presence.
“It means, love, that you’ve got the whole world watching you. You’ve got the whole world waiting for you to be saved. By love, by friendship, by loyalty. They don’t know how, but they know it’s gonna happen. Because there’s a pretty girl out there who doesn’t quite hate you and there’s a brave boy out there who reminds you of someone you’ve never known and there’s a family out there who wants you to remember what it means live without having to put on any masks.” She trails a finger down his chest and he shivers, because it’s warm and unwanted and he’s so unsure of everything he’s ever been.
“You don’t know me.” He breathes. Hating himself, hating her, hating truth.
“Maybe not.” She admits as she backs away, shrugging her shoulders and smirking in a stupid, know-it-all way that reminds him a little too much of his sister. “But the thing is that I don’t have to know you.” She smiles as she looks back at him and he briefly wonders what her name is. “Because, Prince Zuko, you know yourself.”
He turns from her.
“Leave me alone.”
He hears her voice soften suddenly.
“The world...they just want you to find peace. I know you hate to rely on others for help. Y’know Zuko, maybe instead of being saved, you could be the one doing the saving. There’s a whole world out there, dear prince.” She pauses.
“And it needs you.”
And Zuko knows that his fate is sealed.
a/n: Woo. Earth Mother rocks. Yeah, that’s a fucking fancharacter in there. She’s a curvy older woman who has no name. She just has people call her Earth Mother. She’s a bit of a psychic, though she doesn’t actually see anything happening, only has strong feelings and a tendency to know things about people before being told.