Art Dump - Work Doodles 5/13

May 10, 2013 05:44


Fandom/Universe: Hey Arnold, Ternion, Aubade, Adventure Time, Shenanigans!, Downfall, IRL Dorks, World of Warcraft, The Sims, Homestuck, Fireside Tales
Character(s): Rhonda, Harold, Sid, Stinky, Patty, Wolfgang, Nadine, Helga, Arnold, Brainy, Nor, Taran, Calvin, Mina, Aubade, Unnamed Brother, Max, Finn, Marceline, Lady, Crow, Lenne, LeSkuh, Screet, Matins, Bentlee, Bella, Mortimer, Kaylynn, Jade, Karkat, Ellie

Rhonda is so relaxing to draw.  Love her body type and color scheme SO MUCH.

These are all Harold/Rhonda. Started giving him some hair while at work just so it'd be harder for people to recognize my cartoon shmoop.

The Darkverse continues to be tragic.

Rhonda and crew make bad life choices.  Also, sometimes I feel guilty that my version of Sid continues to be short and hideous.  But not THAT guilty.


Wolfgang/Nadine is one of my favorite crack!ships.

Trying to make Arnold look super thin and unhealthy.  Dude probably should have died years ago in the Darkverse.  Second picture on the left is an angry Helga with Brainy's corpse, of course.

Unused Valentine's Day sketch ideas.

Because that one reboot video with Helga being a crazy fucker was perfect and I want this fic NOW.

Fun with design.

The gang's got the sniffles.  Crime fighters don't get sick days.

Nor and Taran.

Nor and Calvin.

Fun with markers and naked Calvin.

Nor spam.

Some Mina (with a Nor too!).

Aubade spam.  Aubade is the hero to this story where she finds some dude in the snow and then gets to keep him.

Aubade and her little bro.  I've decided that little Bro is a a huge cartoon nerd.  He is really excited about his sister getting to be part of a super hero duo.  Also jealous.

Aubade with her super strong snow boyfriend, Max.

Finn and then Marcy spam.

Lady is an old character and I just love her design A LOT.

Lenne spam.  Haha, Lenne is AU me.

Me with a coworker.

Matins and Screet are two of my WoW characters and they are GREAT.

Oh yeah, I decided I wanted my Draenai Pally (Bentlee) to be kind of chubby.  CUTIE!

Sim stuff.  Was playing with the idea that Mortimer both accelerated his aging process and accidentally reversed Bella's.  They're both dying, but in different ways....

Underwater ladies.



Aaaand two random ladies.

a/n: I know it's been forever. Also, some of this has been posted at my tumblr already, but oh well. This is just a backlog of some of the work doodles I've had lying around. I'm not even close to being up-to-date with scanning stuff in... /suffering sigh

I hope you enjoy this small comeback. Imma try and post again and more frequently, but it sort of is what it is...

!art: original art, [fandom] homestuck, [char » shenanigans!] lady, [char » ha!] sid, [char » adventure time!] finn, [char » irl/ragaverse] leskuh, [ship » aubade] aubade/max, [ship » ternion] nor/taran, [ship » ha!] rhonda/harold, [char » adventure time!] marceline, [char » ha!] harold berman, [ship » homestuck] jade/karkat, [ship » ha!] wolfgang/nadine, [ship » ha!] helga/arnold, [char » ternion] nor finn, [ship » sims] mortimer/bella, [char » ternion] taran rockwell, [char » ha!] rhonda wellington-lloyd, [original] downfall trilogy, [char » ternion] calvin fox, [char » homestuck] karkat vantas, [original] ternion, [ship » ha!] rhonda/patty, [char » sims] bella goth, [original] shenanigans!, [char » ha!] brainy, [char » homestuck] jade harley, [char » fireside tales] ellie, [char » wow] bentlee, [ship » ternion] nor/calvin, [original] fireside tales, [char » ha!] wolfgang, [fandom] hey arnold!, [char » ha!] helga g. pataki, [char » downfall] crow lingle, [char » ha!] nadine, !art: art dump, [fandom] world of warcraft, !art: all, [char » ha!] arnold shortman, [char » ternion] mina johannson, [char » wow] matins, [fandom] adventure time!, [char » aubade] Aubade, [char » sims] mortimer goth, [char » wow] screet, [char » aubade] Max, [char » sims] kaylynn langerak, [char » ha!] stinky peterson, !art: fanart, [char » downfall] lenora temeron, [original] aubade

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