Journal - "WoW"

Apr 19, 2012 00:29

Been playing WoW more lately and maybe finally interested in... actually playing with other people? Maybe? IDK.

Any of you cool kids interested in maybe all rolling a bunch of new characters in a fresh realm? I don't really do the RP realms, but I guess I could try one out? IDK. I've done PvE and PvP before so I don't mind either. PvE is nice just because no one bugs me, but I kind of like the tragic reality of PvP. I used to get my ass beaten so much. I remember a desperate attempt to flee on the back of a kodo that ended with me and my bro totally broken.

Uh.... that was a random tangent.

I'm not that great at the game and I still fail at a lot of the lingo despite playing off and on for uh.... four years? Oh man, I'm awful. But I play super casually and mostly just run around doing solo quests, but I think it'd be cool to run around with a group of awesome people and maybe actually properly hit up a dungeon on time or something?

If I get enough people to roll a new character on a new server we could make a guild too! And try and coordinate having the proper amount of tanks/healers/damage/whatever....

I sound... like I have no idea what I'm doing, don't I? Oh. Ahahaha. Uh, if you're hardcore about WoW and get easily annoyed with people not being that good at the game you should ignore this because I'll probably just get on your nerves! Basically looking for something relaxed, but fun!


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