Title: Bells in Water
Fandom/Universe: Naruto
Character(s): Sasuke, Sakura
Rating: K+
When she was twelve she liked to twirl in circles around him even though he said he hated it. She liked to make up songs on the spot even though he complained that it hurt his ears. She’d cling to him no matter how much he struggled against her touch. Overall she was just really annoying.
But then everything broke and he had to leave, disappear. When he came back she no longer twirled (even though her hips would have made it worthwhile now), she just sort of swayed. And she never sang (although her voice was lovely and he had fogotten how much he missed it), just hummed softly as she ran her hands ever so lightly through his hair (clinging took a lot of effort and he knew that she wasn’t sure if he was worth it anymore). And it all felt almost right, but he knew it wouldn’t last. Nothing was forever when it came to Uchiha Sasuke.
So when he came back home one day and she was laying on the floor in a puddle of her own blood, he wasn’t really surprised at all. He felt his bones crack a bit as the avenger blood took ahold of him once again. It was really just another day. He left without a word to anyone and hoped that he had actually loved her at least a little before she died, but he knows that these things happen.
When he made his way home two years later, she was no longer there at all and he found himself wondering what now as he fought with the unbearable aching inside of him that refused to be paved over.
Now, he sits under the trees (her namesake trees of course) and watches as the blossoms dance around him and desperately wishes for one certain blossom to appear out of the skies and dance again.
Just for him.
a/n: Gahhhh...title ripped off a Cid Angst fic (and a damn good one too). It doesn't completely relate, but it sounds so tragic that it fits.
This is the last fic for awhile. Sorry.
I do have two more completed, but you will all just hafta wait 'til thursday for them.
Enjoy 'til then!