Title: Kingdom Hearts Snippets (Part Two)
Fandom/Universe: Kingdom Hearts
Character(s): Axel, Kairi, Roxas, Sora, Cloud, Hayner, Pence, Olette, Squall, Yuffie, Demyx, Riku
Rating: G - Teen
There are times - small and fleeting, but loud enough to wake the dead - when the nothing rain falls angry on the tin roof and all he can hear is the dull thump of the dog’s tail and Kairi’s ragged breathing as she struggles to get warmer in a place where there is no sun, that he knows deep in his nonexistant heart that he is going to fail.
“You miss him, huh?” She asks, but he doesn’t even bother responding. He’d hoped that leaving the organization, kidnapping her and attempting numerous times to turn Sora into a heartless would speak for itself. Sadly, not everyone is as clever as he is.
“Sora...” She whispers in her sleep and even his heavy coat around her isn’t enough to keep her from shivering.
“We’re the left behinds.” He informs her the first day there. He flashes her a smile that’s more teeth than kindness. “We’ve got to stick together or we’re doomed.” And even she finds it very hard to disagree.
“Here.” He hands her a plate. She looks at it in confusion, before taking it in her hands and smiling at him.
“Thank-you, Axel.” He grunts and moves towards the door.
She’s dusted the room from top to bottom, yet it still remains cold and unbearable. She sighs and pulls his coat tigher around her. He’s standing by the door, weapon poised for an easy attack. He claims that he heard something not too long ago, but she thinks he’s just going crazy.
She hears a small sound from outside. Visions flash in front of her: Heartless, black coats, white nothings. She bites her lip and buries her body even deeper into his black coat as she waits for the visions to pass.
Sometimes she thinks she’s going crazy too.
Hands on his chest. Hands on his chest and they’re not Kairi’s and they’re not Riku’s . Sora screams. Axel clamps a hand over his mouth and stares at him through dead eyes as he moans ‘Roxas, Roxas’ as if words alone could bring him back.
“Sometimes,” Sora slips his hand into hers and stares at the sky, “I feel like a big, stinkin’ failure.”
Her breath on his cheek is never enough and he’d like to say that he loves her, but he doesn’t know the words. And somewhere in the back of his mind someone is punching at his invisible mental walls, but not even that light is strong enough to pierce the darkness.
Hayner pulled him close and bit at his ear and for once when he called out Roxas’ name as he came, Pence did not cry out.
Olette was smiling at him and everything was okay now. He’d made it through. He slipped his hand into hers and blushed when she kissed his cheek. He could feel Hayner’s eyes on him, but he tried to push the feeling away. He’d gotten his happily ever after and for once it didn’t involve nobodies named Roxas.
“You...remind me of him.” Hayner’s voice is low and Sora turns back, sea-salt ice cream shoved halfway in his mouth.
“Hnn?” He questions around the popsicle, but Hayner merely laughs and turns away.
“Never mind. He never existed anyway.”
“If I would kiss you.” Hayner’s voice is soft and husky. Roxas raises an eybrow skeptically as the taller boy’s cheeks flush red. “What would you do?”
“I’ve never...” Hayner mumbles afterwards, Roxas’ lips still roaming his flesh. Hayner groans as Roxas nips at his neck. “Never...thought...” He struggles to maintain control, but then Roxas thrusts his hand between his legs and suddenly control is the last thing on Hayner’s mind.
The first time was a rush. Alone at the Usual Spot, eating sea-salt ice cream one moment , wrestling on the floor the next. Finally came the low groan of defeat as Hayner pinned Roxas beneath him; then a sneaking grin and bright blue eyes and Roxas’ hands (large and warm) sliding up his shirt and pressing against the warm skin underneath. Hayner had gasped as Roxas’ hands moved downwards and he almost pushed away. But then the smaller boy caught Hayner’s lips with his and all he could do was kiss him back.
“I’m damaged Olette.” He’s got his hands around her body and she keeps mumbling about Pence coming home soon, but goddamnit he can’t let go. She’s too soft. “I never really knew him...” He sobs as he grips her tightly. Olette whimpers, longing to pull away, but she’s been waiting for so long that she just can’t. “Never knew him...” And then he’s pressing himself agains ther and staring at her like he’s half-starved. “But that doesnt’ mean I can’t feel him.”
“Seventeen!” She screams in his ear and he groans as she leans down and kisses his cheeks. “I’ll be as old as you any day now!” She grins at him as he scowls darkly at her. “Who knows - mabe I’ll be older!”
His hand is on her hip as he growls low in the back of his throat and pulls her towards him. She gasps as he rocks himself against her despite how small she is, despite the age difference, despite how she is not Rinoa. And she has to say...
She really doesn’t mind.
Her lips are familiar and that’s what hurts. Her lips are familiar as if he’s known them all his life - even though he hasn’t kissed a soul since his angel-girl. So how can Yuffie’s lips be so damned familiar when he knows that she is nothing like an angel?
Her eyes are sparkling and her voice is begging him to stay. Part of him longs to reach out for her, but another knows that all he’ll find is too small hands and defeat.
He never tries to stop himself from calling out the blond boy’s name and that, Pence thinks, is what hurts most of all.
Unknown to Sora (or anyone else for that matter), Pence had begun collecting pieces to create his own Gummi Ship so that maybe the next time Hayner called him ‘Roxas’ he could find a new world where he wouldn’t go crawling back anyway.
The first time the sun went down - everything changed. They knew that strange white creatures lived in the twisting tunnels of the town, but now there were also odd black beings popping up outside their windows and people were slowly beginning to disappear and it was then that Pence knew that he was goign to have to share his ship.
Sometimes, Pence thinks as he chances a glance at Hayner, he wishes he were a heartless.
Olette finds that she can relate to Demyx. So when one day he plays his sitar softer than usual, she realizes that it’s because he too is waiting to be loved.
“We love our boys, but they don’t love us.” He teases in a sing-song voice. She considers arguing with him, but there’s far too much truth in his words.
“Did you ever think...” Her voice trails off as she bites her lip and looks at Pence. He smiles warmly at her.
He’s smiling at her, but she knows that he’s really trying to look past her towards Hayner and Roxas and she finds herself colder than she’s been in a long time. She turns from him and stares off to the eternal sunset.
The truth is that she thinks they’re all doomed to end up alone.
Eventually they realized the futility of their relationship. They could not exist alone together. Any love they had for one another was simply in relation to their love for their hero-boy. And Sora smiled grandly as they slipped their hands into his and led him down towards the beach.
They both reach for his hands at the same time and each one fits perfectly in his own. Sore smiles warmly at both of them and from that day on he never even thought to question it.
Selphie raised an eyebrow when she first saw them walk onto the main island, all three linked hand in hand, but eventually it became a daily thing and the wiry girl learned that there were more important things to worry about and besides, some things are just simply meant to be.
a/n: Spoilers, of course.