Title: Kingdom Hearts Snippets (Part One)
Fandom/Universe: Kingdom Hearts
Character(s): Hayner, Roxas, Axel, Kairi, Sora, Riku, Squall, Yuffie, Pence, Olette, Fuu, Tifa, Cloud
Rating: G - Teen
He might of been jealous if he had actually, y’know, loved her, Roxas thinks to himself as Olette smiles at Pence. Jealous, except he can feel Hayner breathing from beside him and that’s enough.
“What’s...” Hayner attempts as his throat goes dry. Roxas whimpers as he clutches his head and buries his face even deeper into Hayner’s chest. And Hayner just KNOWS that something is terribly-utterly wrong with his best friend. “What’s happening to you?...”
“It’s not like that!” He had said, but Hayner had never been good at keeping his cool and rushing to conclusions was so much easier and it wasn’t only Roxas that noticed the way that Seifer wore his pants.
“I could’ve loved you.” He murmured as he buried his face in Hayner’s neck. Hot, but cold and burning. “If I was real.”
But he was only Roxas.
“Best friends,” Hayner had once told him. “share everything.” Roxas had grunted as he tried very hard to shake off the nagging feeling of Deja vu and red hair. But Hayner had pushed him up against the wall, and ground himself against Roxas and then the smaller boy thought of nothing at all.
It wasn’t so much being forgotten that hurt, Axel thought; no, what hurt was being forgotten and then replaced with a lameass emo boy.
“What do you think...” Roxas asks as Hayner unzips his pants, “of dying your hair red?”
He doesn’t say it much (it would cheapen the effect if he did), but Axel really does miss Roxas.
Axel lies beside him and they’re staring at the sky with only a layer of thin black cloth between them and Roxas feels almost whole.
Sometimes she’s afraid that they love each other more than they love her and that very soon her perfect world will crumble. But then Riku picks her up and Sora kisses her cheeks and the next thing she knows they’re kissing more than her cheeks and she knows that they love her just the same and she smiles.
And their hands are roaming, searching. On his chest and in his hair, his mouth, his SOUL. Hands - sweet and small and large and calloused and all just aching. Gentle and moving and stroking and he hadn’t needed them like this before, but he does now and they need him too, their light - their hero boy - their sky.
Their Sora.
Roaming and searching and hoping and -
Finding what’s been gone...
They’re whole again.
The sun is fading on the islands of Destiny and the children are home now and the three of them take hands and just stay with each other because they’ve been gone too long, but now they’re together and they never want to leave each other again.
Sora lies between them, Kairi snuggled against his chest and Riku’s hand on his waist and for the first time ever he truly understands what it means to be home.
She turns to him, big grin and all. He’s suspicious, but she’s genuine and he finds that he’s one step closer to home.
“Home. Hollow. Bastion. Home...Hollow Bastion.” Yuffie runs the words over her tongue again and grinds her teeth. She looks at him with big brown eyes. “Still doesn’t sound right to me.”
She shoved the popsicle in his mouth. He made a sound (something between surprise and rage) but the taste got to him eventually and she smiled, because she knows that all lions can be tamed with time, ninja love and popsicles.
Pence holds a green orb up to the light and thinks about blond hair and a boy he can’t quite remember anymore.
Pence watches as Hayner and Roxas shake hands and lock eyes and realizes that he’s really sick of coming in last place.
“Girls...” Hayner sifts the word around his mouth awkwardly. He makes a face and sticks out his tongue, “Gehhh...what do you wanna talk about them for?” He asks almost angrily as he bites down lightly on Pence’s ear.
He had asked her to marry him, but when he said ‘I do’ he could only see Hayner.
He sat on the couch, fiddling with his camera. She gave a sigh and screwed up her courage. Then she marched up to him and straddled his waist and sucked on his neck and he only called her Roxas once.
She runs a hand over his chest and rests it on his heart and thinks about blond hair and blue eyes and how much she misses someone who never really existed.
“Faghag.” Fuu mutters. Olette takes a good look at her three friends and has to admit that Fuu’s got a point.
Fuu watched as Seifer plunged himself into Rai and felt only a little bit jealous.
“Hayner, Pence, Olette!” He says the names over and over and tries very hard not to cry even though he barely knew them.
Axel traced his hands along Sora’s chest and just wished so hard for someone who was no longer there.
“Cloud...Cloud!” She yells so loud, praying for a response, but all she gets is static on the radio and she thinks about how this is very typical.
a/n: So. Much. Stuff.
Luckily each blurb is like...two sentences. All Kingdom Hearts baby. There may be a few scattered spoilers soo...read at your own risk.
Stories arranged by couple/character.