So I have obtained
a tumblr. There's not an awful lot there right now, but I dig it. I actually enjoy the design of the site and have more interest in it's purpose then in twitter, so MAAAAYBE I can ween myself off of twitter, because - for the most part - I think twitter is the worst.
Also, I think that I am maaaaybe falling back into some sort of Hey Arnold!ish glee? Probably because it's getting close to February, which means Valentine's Day, which means ARNOLD'S VALENTINE.
Hopefully this glee sticks with me and I can funnel my loooooove into the next chapter of Trying, because I REALLY NEED TO WRITE IT.
Anyway, this is mostly just to ask y'all if you have tumblrs that I can follow, because I LOOOOVE you guys.
ETA: I think my hatred BROKE TWITTER. Hahaha, it's down right now.