Ann Coulter (Prof. Williams-friendly)

Mar 23, 2006 20:29

So I just got back from Ann Coulter and I am so disappointed. I understand that Ann Coulter is a crazy bitch, but I at least wanted to hear her state her opinion. That was something that I was denied. People were screaming the whole time, and while some parts were funny it was extremely irritating during the Q&A segment, or better yet, the lack of Q&A segment.

People started screaming before we could get an answer to even ONE question and she left. ANN COULTER JUST LEFT. In her contract she states she will not accept hecklers and she left when people started screaming. AGAIN. While I'm sure that security could have been more forceful in its removal of students, I am more disappointed in the student body than anyone else.

There was a rally that people could express their dissent at. Instead they went to the speech and prevented people that were actually interested in listening from gaining any sort of knowledge as to why Ann Coulter has the views she does.

People complain about the 24,000 dollars that was paid for her, but guess what! It's not your money anymore. You spent your money on Loyola, made it theirs, and then THEY spent their money on Ann Coulter. If I give ten dollars to my friend and then my friends spends it months later to see a band that I don't like can I tell them to give it back? Can I hold that against them? ITS BULLSHIT.

In the end, I could have left that speech pissed off at Ann Coulter because we don't agree, but I left pissed off at the people in the back that were chanting "Fuck this patriarchal shit, you can lick my fucking clit." And if you know me, that's not something that would piss me off.
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