"Here's a thought" or "Final Showdown"

Dec 18, 2003 16:46

Okay, so I'm coming back to Ottawa on Monday the 22nd, and leaving on the 1st. Not counting the 1st ('cause I'm leaving then to go back for Gypsy), that makes 10 days. I also hand in my take-home exam on Friday, so that leaves Sat and Sun, two days, where I'm staying in Kingston to get some extra shifts in (read: $$$$). So that makes 12 days of my break. Total. I guess that makes it The Twelve Days Of Leski.

Now, for the mathie-babble - this STUPIDLY DIFFICULT take home exam for Group Theory/Abstract Algebra is driving met nuts - it's 8 questions long, 35% of my grade, and absurdly hard. Here's what I'm missing (recorded so one day I may actually know how to do these - and it's out of 115 marks):

3) Let G be a group of order 60: ["~=" mean "is isomophic to", group equivalence]
[5] a) Show that G ~= A5, or G has a normal Sylow 5-subgroup.
[5] b) Show that G ~= A5 or G ~= A4xZ5, or G has a cyclic normal subgroup of order 15.
[5] c) Show that PSL2(Z5) ~= A5 [I've got this one, we know that A5 is the only simple group of order 60, and we know that PSL2(Z5) is a simple group with 60 elements, so they must be isomorphic]
[5] d) How many groups of order 60 are there, up to isomorphism? [There's 13 of them, I know that - and I know what 10 of them could be, but I'm still missing 3]

[10] 4a) If p is an odd prime, show that there are five groups of order 2p^2 [I knew 4 of the groups right off - so I looked up online for the special case where |G|=18, and it said the 5th group is the semi-direct product of Z2 and (Z3xZ3). Funny thing is, we never learned how semi-direct products worked]
[5] 4b) If G is a group of order 2n with n being an odd number (greater than 1), show that G cannot be simple. [It's in the text, but the text's proof sucks]
[5] 4c) Let G be a simple group and |G| = 4pq where p and q are distinct primes. Show that G ~= A5 [so I have to show that p=3 and q=5, which isn't readily apparent].

So that's what I've got left to do. Something about Generators and Relations that was never fully explained in class comes in to most of these, but I simply don't see the connection. Worst part is I sucked out on the last 2 assignments, and I was hoping to do well in this course to balance out the rest of my marks. Damn.
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