Dreams... weird things those.

Mar 15, 2006 11:22

I had the fun time of getting really weird bad dreams last night. Here's the one that started it all.

You know how dreams are. You're not entirely sure who's who. Such is the case. I know there were two of my friends. So for now, they will be called friend A and friend B. Both were guys. Onward with the dream.

I was me, a weird thing that, 'cause often enough times, I'm not me. Or I'm following me or something around. But anyway. I'm talking with A and B, and we're joking about things. We're supposedly all part of this school where we get to learn flying. Like, flying planes and everying. So very neat! The two guys were closer friends than I was to them, because they had known each other longer. However, the fact that they let me into their little group was nice. I was apparently hot enough and smart enough for them to take notice. ::grins:: Males. And yes, in the dream, they said that.

Me, A, and B went sneaking out after hours because A wanted to show us something. B and I trusted A because he was our friend and whatnot. A was further along in his flight training than B and myself. A showed us this new plane that he was going to be able to test fly the very next day. We were awed. ::nodnod:: It was so cool! He was all proud of himself too. Then, A turned to us and asked if we wanted to skirt the rules a bit and do something adventurous... such as take the plane out for a pretest test drive.

I wasn't so sure, but B thought it a great idea! Again... males... boys and their toys. I went along with them, they are my friends! What was I gonna do, go rat them out? Heckles no. Deep bond of friendship there between us three. ::nod:: We get in trouble together and everything.

So we get into the plane and it isn't entirely ready. I voiced my opinion of that, and A said not to worry. At those words, I figured he wasn't going to take off. I was wrong. He had all intentions of doing so. I was in the second seat, which actually would normally be where the captain sits, but I wasn't driving... so... yeah. I couldn't see out the window though. B was sitting in between and behind us. I put my seatbelt on because I felt the need to do so, B did the same... A did not. He looked like he did, but he did not.

A was acting strangely, a little too excited... B could see out the window, I could not... so I didn't entirely realize the plane was truly moving until it was too late. A gave us fair warning... fair warning meaning we had enough time to brace ourselves for impact. The plane went up into the air... then kept going. A made it do something it should not have been able to do, and in fact... it did not do it. The plane turned over and began losing altitude shortly after it had started gaining altitude... so it wasn't too high off the ground.

However... A didn't have seatbelt thing on. Only me and B did... so when the plane went down, and hit the ground... yeah. I do believe I came to first. A was out cold... B was a little ways off. I looked at him as he was waking up and getting away from the wreckage. He looked at me, then at A, then back at me with so much anger. I asked for his help, he was stronger than me, and I was hurting as it was... and we had to get A to the hospital wing as quickly as he could. B didn't help...

I carried A painfully towards the building, following B who was still somewhat close. But I brought A to the hospital wing, B went a different way, back to the dorm rooms. I couldn't figure out if B was upset at me, or upset at A, or what... but it was quite obvious he was upset.

In the hospital wing I get greeted by someone that I know. Least, I knew them dreamwise. "Oh, you're the girl with the bleeding lung." ... um. wow. That's not something you like to hear if you don't... know that. In the dream, I was upset to hear that, but ignored it. A was more important than myself at the moment. The docs took A, and hooked him to a buncha machines to try to get him back... and he would have survived, they said... but he didn't.

"It was almost as if he did not want to survive. He could have, but he lost the will to do so. What were you doing?" At those words, I shook my head and left the hospital wing to go find B. At this point, I wasn't certain if A had purposely wanted to kill himself... and I wasn't certain if he had wanted to take me and B with him. That... was a scary thought. And the entire 'bleeding lung' comment was sticking with me to.

Needless to say, B and A shared a dorm room in the guys living side. Meaning no girls. I wasn't about to let that stop me, though. I wanted to, needed to, see my friend. It took a bit of doing, but I finally got the main guys to get me a pass into the guys dorms... and they were nice enough to tell me which room I was going to. Room 135, second floor. no clue why I remember that, except that I got lost trying to find it, 'cause B had his door open.

Get to B's room and didn't even bother to knock, just walked in. He was packing.

"Where are you going?"
"I'm leaving."
"They're going to kick us out anyway."
"... They couldn't save him... no. that's not true. They could have, almost did save him... but he gave up."
And wow, how much those words made B get so freaking angry. "He would not have given up! He's a fighter! He fights!"
"I'm only telling you what they told me! They had him stabilized, and he gave up. They said it was like he wanted to die!"
A long pause. "Did you tell them what we were doing?"

We stared at each other for a long long moment. Then I woke up. I dun think I much liked that dream. Nor the variations of the dream which kept my night pretty sleepless. Whee... and after waking up I couldn't stop thinking about the entire 'bleeding lung' thing. ::smirk:: Dreams are meant to be interpretted, eh? Interpret that. I think it's pretty fubar.
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