Jul 21, 2007 09:56
currently im worrying about an outrageous charge for my cellphone. and while i was worrying about that, i was watching this movie called zeitgeist and i had to stop. it was too much for a saturday morning. in the first 5 minutes it was basically all the worlds atrocities that have happened in the 20th century. and basically it made me stop worrying about my silly phone bill for... 5 minutes. why do stupid little things, like a cellular phone, bother me? or paying my car insurance? or paying overdraft fees? or paying paying paying paying paying paying paying for everything. but of course i worry about these petty things b/c i feel like the bigger things are unreachable. i cant change them. they are too big for 1 person to fix. so i focus on MY smaller problems. but its okay. i WILL stay positive for the sake of the world. you take in what you put out ;D