Log-O-Rama 2006

Dec 01, 2006 23:34

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

I rip off the late, great Sir Isaac Newton to begin the first post in a long time.

I am hopelessly, hopelessly behind with my logs. If I quit work tomorrow and you all started paying me to edit, we'd still all be old before I got there. I have over 200 logs saved for Sefton, and many of them contain more than one. So, editing them all, clearly not an option.

What I have done is go through them back as far as the beginning of March 2006, to create a Neiran-style summary of the scenes that seem to me to be important. By this, I mean they were interesting, amused me somehow, set something up, or are referenced by later events. I have not edited logs, but have shamelessly pilfered links from anywhere I could find them. I refer to this as "standing on the shoulders of giants" in the hope that the original owners will feel flattered rather than ripped off.

If you would like to see a log that does not have a link, holler and I will edit. I intend on going back before March 2006 at some point when I am not half mad from having spent hours getting this far. The very prospect of trying to work out IC dates makes me want to run screaming into the distance. Again, if you particularly need to know when something happened, ask and I'll see what I can do.

Having gone through many logs in the last several hours, I have come to the firm conclusion that Sefton really is as nasty as I thought he was, and reminds me more frequently than anything else of a cat who has caught a mouse and is having a lot of fun playing with it.

That said, read on and enjoy. It remains only to thank a player who shall remain nameless, who paid for Sefton's LJ to join the ranks of the fancy, and thus motivated me to catch him up. Next thing you know, I'll have icons that don't feature monkeys. Maybe.

EDIT: Now with even more log links, because Roa has an OCD streak that makes me go weak at the knees.

1. Flashback: Medina and Sefton back at Southern Boll, arguing about whether women are less suited to power than men.
Log here.

2. Flashback: Medina and Sefton back at Southern Boll, arguing about whether Blood is intrinsically superior.

3. K'sar arrives at Caucus and introduces himself.

4. Nakra, Sefton's very old friend, is at the weyr. They drink, and they talk.
Log here.

5. K'sar and Sefton discuss the workability of K'sar attending Caucus as a student.
Log here.

6. Aspen arrives at Caucus, and Sefton has a surreal interview with him.
Log here.

7. In a rare, relaxing moment, Sefton and Penny bust open one of Kelar's mercy shipments. Mangoes.

8. The students' latest assignment is to argue something convincingly. Bailie attempts to convince Sefton and G'thon that marrying politically is more beneficial than marrying for love.
Log here.

9. Roa arrives at Caucus. It's hard to imagine how we ever lived without her, isn't it?

10. Penny's progress report, and a discussion of her future.
Log here.

11. Neiran has a go at convincing Sefton for his assignment, and ends up striking a deal to begin weekly tutoring sessions. I still claim this scene contains the biggest Neiran pose on record. It's possible it could battle Reyce's giant pose.
Log here.

12. Essdara brings Sefton some dinner, and ends up having a lesson.
Log here.

13. Neiran makes a book report. Sefton gave him one of Bailie's trashy romances to read. Point and laugh. (Really not sure where this one fits chronologically. Maybe here.)
Log here.

14. Sefton visits Ginella when she's at Benden, sitting with Aneleth's clutch, and they discuss why it is that he always wears black.

15. Sefton, Penny, Essdara and Jensen at breakfast. Ah, the scent of experimental cooking.
Log here.

16. Sefton messes with Neiran's head in multitudinous ways during their weekly tutoring session. Try and conceal your shock and surprise that he would do such a thing.
Log here.

17. I'lyan drops by, and he and Sefton discuss his attendance record.

18. Essdara brings Sefton a meal, and she exchanges food and sass for a sort of impromptu lesson. He likes stretching her brain. He likes her food.

19. Sefton and Penny have a big bust up. What do they argue about? What don'tthey argue about? They argue a whole lot about what they are to each other. Sefton does not kiss her. (No, that's not sarcasm. It is his greatest triumph of self-restraint, and deserves trumpeting.)

20. Neiran has his progress report. He and Sefton talk of many things, and midwife Neiran's grand dragonhealing project.

21. Sefton and Jensen speculate on what the future might hold, and Sefton encourages Jensen to do some more speculation. He invites Jensen to attend one of his classes.

22. Sefton and Aida meet. Little do they know what lies ahead for them.

23. Sefton runs a politics class on Blood, rank, education and merit. It's like he really thinks the students can learn. Optimist.
Log here.

24. Jensen sat in on Sefton's class, and Sefton is oh, very very interested in something he heard Jensen say in that class.

25. Essdara wants in on Caucus classes. In a shocking and unpredictable development, Sefton says no.

26. G'thon would like Roa out of town for a bit. He asks Sefton for a favour in this regard, and Sefton agrees to oblige.
Log here.

27. Sefton conducts Roa's progress review, and sends her to Boll.
Log here.

28. Roa returns from Boll, and reports to Sefton on her time away.
Log here.

29. Sefton and Penny make tracks for a day out of the weyr.

30. Sefton finds out more than he wanted to know about Penny and Jensen's relationship. It goes really, really well. Which is to say, not at all.

31. Sefton and Bailie make tracks for a day out of the weyr. Quite a different sort of day.

32. Ginella comes by for her progress review. You just know Sefton's really nice to her. They talk about her future.

33. Penny's miscarriage. Sefton comes to see her afterward, in the infirmary, and they both acknowledge something that has long been true.

34. K'sar drops by for a conversation about improving his political savvy. My, but he needs it.
Log here.

35. Sefton and Reyce talk and fence. Sefton is sick of the fencing, and after a show of good faith, they have an open conversation. They plot fiendishly like the fiendish plotters they are.
Log here.

36. Bailie's father, Lord Berrigan, is famous for his drinking. So having a fiance who drinks like Sefton does makes Bailie nervous. They discuss this.

37. Medina arrives at Caucus, and sacre vache! The Headmaster is someone she knows. Someone she might almost call an old friend.

38. As part of the Sefton And Reyce Master Plan, Sefton visits Benden, and hires the Lady Carina.

39. Penny is sick and heartsick, and being stalked by very creepy people. Sefton sends her home to Boll, for many sorts of healing, and for protection.

40. Aida comes by to ask if she can sit on a class. Sefton tells her to come back, try again, and do better.

41. G'thon would like a job teaching ethics. Sefton gives him one. It's such a ballsy ask, there's really no way to say no, is there?
Log here.

42. Neiran comes by for a private tutoring session, to be tortured, and to ask about Aida sitting in on classes. It's like he's actually asking to be squashed.

43. Aida comes by to ask again about sitting in on a class. Instead she gets a new job, and a beautiful partnership begins. Or Sefton steals her soul, if you ask other people.
Log here.

44. Essdara delivers Sefton's breakfast, a warning to take good care of Aida, and a whole load of sass.

45. Aida's first few days with Sefton. She gets the lowdown on just how much the Headmaster packs into a day, and they both realise just how useful she's going to be. Which is very.

46. Bailie wants private quarters for the Caucus girls, because those boys, they peek! Sefton does not quite say yes, but he certainly enjoys her attempts to be convincing.

47. Kierom comes to ask if he can sit in on a Caucus class. Sefton says no. You're shocked, I know.

48. Bailie rushes to Sefton's quarters, wide-eyed, to report Carina and Aelan's fight.

49. Aspen drops by for his progress report. Anyone expecting normal is destined for disappointment.

50. Aida comes to give Sefton back her first pay packet, because he made a mistake and put too much in. Only gosh, he didn't. My, she's paid well. He must want... loyalty, or something. Sefton has one of his mercy shipments from his brother Kelar, and she tastes her first mango.

51. Aida and Medina meet, with Sefton as witness. It is not love at first sight.

52. Sefton and Aelan discuss Aelan and Carina's rather public encounter in the barracks.

53. Sefton visits Boll while Penny is there for a gather. They dance, and talk.

54. Penny arrives home from her time away in Boll, and she and Sefton talk.

55. Weekly tutoring with Neiran, who has alcohol forced on him as usual. Sefton has made him read the same book four weeks in a row. Neiran tries a new thesis out.
Log here.

56. Sefton catches Br'ce and Aida making out in his office. Oh, kids! He asks Br'ce a question that Br'ce does not like at all.
Log here.

57. Aida and Sefton the morning after she and Br'ce have had their fight. She asks him why he asked Br'ce the question he did.

58. Roa comes to ask for a favour. She has tells. She needs not to have tells.
Log here.

59. Aida is returned safe from her kidnap. Sefton visits her in the infirmary. They are in accord as to what should happen to people who kidnap Aida.

60. Sefton and Aida discuss his concerns about her security, given the recent spate of people getting bumped on the head.

61. Reyce comes to see if he can borrow a book on behalf of his girlfriend. Sefton does his usual telling off, and does not agree to lend it to her.
Log here.

62. Sefton is visited by one of Penny's kidnappers. They exchange views.

63. Issa comes in person to borrow a politically potent book from Sefton, who agrees to lend it to her.
Log here.

64. Lord Carlin comes to see Sefton, and brings Reyce along. They speak of the unseating of a Lord. History in the making.
Log here.

65. The only person who gets away with taking Sefton's drink out of his hand and making him eat something instead, Penny. She does so.

66. Miniyal comes to ask about the progress on G'thon's appointment as an instructor. Sefton has a proposal for her.
Log here.

67. Neiran's weekly sessions resume after short interruption, with a debate about body language, and more general bullying of the healer.

68. Despite the overwhelming impression of laziness, Sefton works long and hard. Penny catches him, and works her wiles to get him into bed. No, not like that. If only. To sleep.

69. Reyce comes along to ask about taking on some work for one of his instructors. Talk turns to the coming Conclave. A very great stride is made in what we will tentatively call their working relationship.
Log here.

70. Issa returns a borrowed book and gets another. Sefton's still interested in having a chat with Reyce's girl.
Log here.

71. Roa's transfer to High Reaches has her head in a spin, and she comes to Sefton to see if he'll offer her debate and distraction. He does.
Log here.

72. Sefton's thirty-second turnday. Penny and Roa connive to see him to Boll for the day, to spend time with his family.

73. Issa comes to return to Sefton a book he lent her on the history of Benden. Interesting conversation.

74. Penny comes to see Sefton. They make small talks. Then something that's been on the cards for a very long time happens. Yes, you all know what. You're big boys and girls.

75. Roa comes to see Sefton for her weekly lesson. Their friendship progresses. They speak of many things.
Log here.

76. Sefton and Roa discuss discussing G'thon without actually discussing him, and actually do discuss Neiran.
Log here.

77. Sefton and Neiran discuss Neiran's future beyond Caucus. Arguably, Sefton claims Neiran's soul.
Log here.
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