(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 21:57

1. name no more than 4 people that make you happy.
2. something you are ashamed of
3. one song that makes you feel (almost) perfect
4. one moment that makes you feel (almost) perfect
5. something youve wanted to let out
6. something everyone should know about you
7. something no one knows about you because youre afraid theyll think badly of you.
8. something beautiful
9. something you love to do and how often youre able to do it

1. wryly mae, my boo, paige truby, griffin
2. i cant think of anything. im not ashamed for cheating on yut, im not ashamed for doing heroin, im not ashamed for lying to my mom, im not ashamed of any dependence i have on guys/bffs/attention because i am moving past that, i just dont know.
3. broke-modest mouse or make everyone happy/mechanical birds by them too
4. when i did molly for the first time with gaelan
5. this fart! lol jk uhhhhhh im secretly (and also constantly) scared im going to mess everything up with ronaldo with something i do or say.
6. im the best so everyone should be my friend and talk to me
7. i wouldnt be opposed to doing heroin again at some point in my life

9. i love to smoke weed and cuddle, those are probably my 2 favorite things to do. those, and laugh. i get to do all three of these things pretty frequently now that ive started hanging out with ronaldo more.

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