One wonderful thing about living with
fell_lindzei is that our house is like a continual fandom workshop. While we were both finishing up our stories for
ff_exchange we were bouncing ideas off of each other and betaing each other's stories. We share fic we like and then can sit together and discuss it. We had a half-hour long discussion about Roy Mustang/Ed Elric vs. Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye while she got ready for work today. What an amazing life.
So yes, the Doink! story is done and submitted, although my picky self keeps going back, re-reading it, and finding ways to improve it. It seems like the images in my head never come out on paper in the way I wish they would. I guess that's why we keep practicing, to get better. Now that my work schedule is (hopefully) lightening up, I will have more time for such things.
I want to try a few Moogle Fluff prompts, just to keep the momentum I got from writing my assignment. Also, the Ship Manifesto community on LiveJournal woke up after a long slumber, which means my Auron/Yuna Manifesto needs to be dusted off and completed.
I also have this pesky epic XII fic sitting over here intimidating me. It is huge, and I just don't know where to begin.
Crossposted from dreamwidth: