Feb 14, 2006 22:16
So.. nothing went as planned today. This morning I had to finish doing my last annotated bib because I fell asleep before I finished last night. So then I wound up running late getting all my Valentine's Day stuff together. Then I realized I was missing something. So I made a trip to Wal-mart. A bunch of guys and me fighting over whats left and not fifty bucks.
So anyway, I wound up running VERY late and almost hit a mailbox at forty miles an hour somewhere in the process.
Then I wound up having to work and my girlfriend had to babysit her little brother, so we wound up with a forty-five minute window in which I adapted my candlelight dinner plans into two nicely decorated tv dinners on my bedroom floor. It was rushed and not the romantic dinner I had planned, but all things considered it went okay. She got my a necklace with a kladha symbol charm that matches the one I got her for Christmas. She also left roses in my car for me to find. I gave her a stuffed dog this morning, sent her candy during the day, and this afternoon showed her the video biography I made of our relationship so far. I spent three and a half weeks making it. It lasts two and a half minutes. Go figure.
Work was just crazy. At one point we had a wait list of 80 people. Enough said.
All in all, even though nothing went as planned, it wasn't a bad day. I still got to be with my girlfriend, I'm pretty sure she liked her gift, and she got me something nice. At work I was really busy, but I didn't get yelled at for anything. So yay. Good day.