Complaint 1#

Jul 25, 2006 00:38


Go to some random lesbian event and you will find this thread of conversation will almost always pop up:

"Do you date lesbian or bi?"


"Oh, I don't date bi".

"Why not?"

"Because they will leave you for a man".

I started university in 2001. I very quickly came out and it sort of followed this sequence: Bi-curious to Bisexual to Lesbian. I've never had anything to do with men, of an intimate nature and I already knew deep down I was a lesbian, but like all things in life - baby steps need apply. However, upon introduction to women identifying as lesbians and stating (for that moment in time) my bi/lesbian questioning nature - a sneer would form upon their lips, followed by rants on bisexual women and how evil they are. I've never been a person to stand aside and keep quiet when a person or people are being unnecessarily bullied and so I'd stand my ground and start debating with the person about the paradigms of their argument. At the end of the argument, I usually managed to squeeze an apology out of those offensively sneering lips and the person with whom I would have been debating with would have a more thorough understanding of the implications of their biphobia and hell; though some may still not wish to voluntarily choose to date a bisexual, they at least now UNDERSTOOD that such a narrow viewpoint on bisexuals overall, isn't viable in this day and age. I may be argumentative, but I'm not pushy when it comes to trying to force you to date someone.

I've sort of pinpointed the age group where the biphobia is very much ingrained. Those born previously to 1982, a large age group I know, but an aspect that seems very well ingrained within their line of thinking. The majority of lesbians I know, no longer follow the well-worn path of biphobia - but there's still quite a few who are knee-deep in that path and seem quite content to frolic around in its muddy waters. Those that are waist-deep however, tend to be over the age of 30. Nothing else needs to be said! However, why are such women so vehement about not dating bisexual women? What is this chip (more like a boulder) that they carry upon their shoulder, when it comes to bisexual women?

Well, the answer such questions is very, very simple. "Jealousy". That's right folks! Jealousy, makes the world go round! And how would I come to that conclusion? Another simple answer which can be pointed through the following arguments given by lesbians as to why bisexual women are evil:

1. Bisexual women women will always leave you for a man.
2. Bisexual women will play around with men when they're with you.
3. Bisexual women are insatiable when it comes to both sexes.
4. Bisexual women can't make up their minds.

Now, at the risk of having my head sawn off - doesn't this make lesbians seem kind of paranoid? In my opinion, I would say "Yes, they would seem extremely paranoid". What do they have against men? Are lesbians not confident enough in themselves, that they have to allow their low self-esteem to impact upon any potential relationships with bisexual women? Yes, heartbreak may be a large factor, but let's have a look at this in a different light.

1. Bisexual women can leave you for a woman.
2. Bisexual women can play around with women when they're with you.
3. Bisexual women have their urges, just like every other human on this planet.
4. Bisexual women do make up their minds, hence, why they do what they do.

Jealousy and low self-esteem can do very peculiar things to your head. Its warps the mind, dude. Screws up your commonsense and turns you into a blubbering idiot. And with lesbians - it turns them into paranoid idiots. Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned. The only thing I caution upon though, is don't get paranoid. Be happy with yourself and raise that self-esteem, dagnammit!

Now, let us take another look at this little summary of mine. Keep in mind, not everyone cheats or spends their entire life trying to destroy the lives of others. However, when it comes to issues of biphobia - its usually based on (in my opinion) immaturity (or low self-esteem, take your pick) and jealousy. For not only bisexual women, but lesbians themselves are quite capable of leaving you for other women; cheating on you with other women; and having their own, peculiar and insatiable urges. Does no one realise this!?! What makes dating a bisexual women all that different from dating a lesbian? Yeah, they swing both ways - who cares? The mating habits of a bisexual woman doesn't depend on their sexual orientation, rather, the person they are. I mean really, all you lesbians out there - have we not all met enough lady lesbians who give the time-old saying of "I'm confused, I don't know what I want" - leaving you stranded and keening at the Pit Stop of Vunerability?

Rather than saying that bisexual women are evil, why don't we address that statement to all of women kind? All women are evil! But then, women are so gorgeous and lovely, you can't help but love them! Grow up, peoples. Peace out.
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