Feb 02, 2014 19:01
This has to be the Platonic ideal of terrible shows. It is also somewhat tragic as they clearly can't afford the special effects of wolvery that they need and so have to content themselves with shots of Our Heroes standing around in trees sniffing and talking about the family and other stuff. IT IS MAGNIFICENT AND AWFUL AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT BOOK IT WAS BASED ON BUT IT CANNOT POSSIBLY BE AS WONDERFULLY TERRIBLE AS THE SHOW.
Also: Yay to Russell Crowe for his highly competitive entry into 'worst Irish accents ever' for A Winter's Tale. I have a delicious fantasy that he studied for this accent by watching Tom Cruise in Far and Away and all those people with 'Cork' accents in Heroes.
ETA: OMG BITTEN HAD A SCENE WITH TWO OF THE WEREWOLVES LOPING ALONG AND THEN LOCKING EYES AND ROMPING OFF TOGETHER WHILE SEXAYY LOVE MUSIC PLAYED IN THE BACKGROUND. (Of course they were the werewolf boy/man with ridiculously over styled hair whom our heroine werewolf has left for a man in the CITY.)
ETA 2: Look, I don't think this is a spoiler but even if it was then I'm saving you from yourselves so you should thank me. THEY USED BODY SPRAY TO KEEP THE EVIL MUTTS FROM SENSING OUR HEROES IN THE NEXT ROOM. SERIOUSLY, YOU WANT TO CONVINCE ME YOU CAN TRACK PEOPLE A DAY LATER AND YOU CAN BE UNDONE BY ONE SPRAY OF AXE? Also, what's with the 'mutts' and the whole creepy class angle whereby you have the lovely Danvers in their arisocratic manor and all the evil mutts and the hick working class locals?