It's the second time I've seen The Runaway Bride and I liked it even more this time around. Donna is loud and brash and noisy but she was also oddly reflective and perceptive. And saw the humour in it all. And slapping the Doctor will never not be fun to watch. Plus any woman who can run around through all of that mess and still keep her wedding
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I was wondering if I could promote my community oncoming_recaps in your community doctard.
The oncoming_recaps community was created to attempt to reverse the regrettable decision by the website Television Without Pity (aka TWoP) to cancel their recaps of Doctor Who.
Seemingly a business decision that affects the global community of fans who avidly read the recaps by TWoP staff writer Jacob Clifton, the cancellation of the recaps, we fear, is a change in the tone of the site, as directed by their new owner, the Bravo Television Network.
We hope to reverse Bravo/TWoP's decision and bring back the recaps not just because we love them, but because we see this as a larger issue, skulking in the shadows: the death of smart, intellectual television (and all its inherent discussions) in favor of cheaper (and more revenue producing) reality shows.
The Oncoming Recaps Team has already launched a letter writing campaign and the Great Recap Reread (which we do every Tuesday, as part of our "Tuesday is WHOSday" campaign), but we are looking for communities with whom to affiliate, and from among whose members we might add to our own ranks. I would like to recruit from your community's members to help us protest this decision and keep TWoP as we love it and have known it to be: snarky, smart, unapologetic and uncompromising.
Thank you for you time and consideration.
Maybe a ps. with a bit about how this will surely help promote the true eternal love of doctard. Because clearly that his what the series is about. :)
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